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Dear lame excuses of men,

From one decent human being to a slightly less decent human being, women love to be complimented.

And yeah, sometimes we fish for them. We buy new clothes that we know looks great on us, but ask, nonetheless, "Do I look good in this?" And let's not forget the, "I look like crap."s when we clearly think we look like models.

We, however, do NOT want, nor accept, your crude comments regarding our bodies. Whether it be about our faces, buttockses, breasticles or curves.

"A face like that only comes from heaven!"

"Hey baby, whattcha doin' tonight?"


"I can make you feel good."

As you can see, these all sound extremely creepy, perverted and disgusting. They are, however, what millions of women hear everytime they go out.

And when we try to fight back and walk away with our dignities intact, we get the following:

"I'm just complimenting you."

"Take a chill pill!"

"Stuck up little princesses."

Listen buddy, there's a bloody difference between complimenting a woman and catcalling at them. I wouldn't expect that to get through your stubborn head though, so I won't bother explaining it to you. Although, I can say that you wouldn't exactly call yelling disgusting remarks across the street to random strangers a compliment, now would you?

Second up, why don't you take a become-less-of-a-pervert-and-more-of-a-man pill. And I'm not taking any pill you give me seeing as you can't even be trusted to control yourself and keep your mouth shut in public.

As for the third one, the only thing stuck up here is the stick that's shoved sideways up your-sorry, gotta keep it PG 13 guys, but you can fill in the rest yourself ;)

And before all the men start attacking me, just know that this is only directed towards the men who think it's ok to catcall at strangers who clearly aren't looking for any sexual atention.

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