Now before you go ahead and assume that I'm going to complain and bag all the cliches that are way too overused, hear me out.
This rant is in fact about how cliche my life is.
You see, I'm that girl.
You know, that nerdy one who has glasses, and loves to read, and has issues, and tries hard in school.
I'm that girl who got picked on in grade 3 because I had no friends.
Yeah, the kids in my school were real smart.
However, I'm also that girl who loves to talk a lot, who loves going to new places, who has that 'little, but feisty' friend, who never has a clean room for more than a day.
We are all cliches in one way or another, but what people fail miserably to realize, is that they can never classify us as one cliche.
We can and will be anyone or anything we want to be. I mean, I personally want to be a unicorn, but then I would clash with Marshmallow, my pet unicorn, so I chose the second best option, a snowball of the best and worst of everything.
What's good without bad?
Btw, right now my sister is watching some 8 year old sing Love Story by Taylor Swift while her twin is next to her, watching a bunch of guys swear every 5 seconds.
Anyways, back to the point of this rant.
We all start off believing that we have to fit in one way or another, and we spend so long trying to perfect ourselves to be a certain type of person, that it never actually clicks, that the only way to fit in, is to do the exact opposite.
Growing up is all about learning from your mistakes, especially the mistake of eating crayons and play doh.
But you can also take the shortcut and just learn from other people's mistakes, and just remember, that as cliche as it sounds, your biggest critique is you.
To be honest, no one else actually gives a damn whether you're the most cliche person they know or the furthest from it, but they do give a damn when you try to be someone you're not, because they can sense it and they it gets real awkward. So do everyone a huge favour and don't do that. Please.
This one got deep for a second.Anyways, the picture above is one that I took at one if the beaches I visited at Portland. It's one of my favourites :)
RandomA collection of the little fishes that swim around in my head. Some people call them quotes, short stories, poems, rants etc. They distract me when I'm supposed to be doing 'important' things like homework or cleaning my room. All rights reserved...