Chapter Twenty-One

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     I see Emmett pass out on the floor and I can't breath for a couple of seconds.  I can't let myself believe that Alex can control him now.  I won't.  Alex is getting up and Emmett is still lying motionless on the floor.  I run and kneel next to him, patting his face gently to get him to wake up.  

     "Emmett?!" I cry, pleading with him to open his eyes.  "Come on, you have to wake up.  Look at me!"  Finally, he opens his eyes, and I gasp.  It's not out of happiness, though.  His eyes, which are usually a bright green color, are now a cold electric blue.  I know immediately that, right now, this isn't Emmett.  He easily throws me off of him and across the room, where I hit my head on the wall.  I touch the back of my head and it comes back red with blood.  I know that this isn't Emmett's fault at all and this isn't him right now, but I can't help the tears that come to my eyes.  I try to get up but I collapse back to the ground again from dizziness.  

     Connor runs over to me and crouches in front of me.  "Are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.  I shake my head.  Of course I'm not okay.  He touches the back of my head.  I feel a familiar warmth and the pain is gone.  

     "This is interesting."  Alex says, grinning.  "I think that this is ten times more entertaining than what I planned."  Emmett is standing, staring straight ahead with no emotion present on his face.  

     "Let him go Alex." I say, my voice trembling.  This just can't be happening.  

     "Usually, I try to let the people who work for me have a little personality." Alex says.  "But the formula that I had made to use on you takes that away.  I know that if you had even a little bit of your personality left you would keep fighting it.  The Emmett that you seem to love so much is gone now."  I get up and walk over to Emmett, knowing that it's a bad idea but not caring.  

     "Amy." I hear Connor warn me, but I don't listen.  I bring my hand to his cheek.  

     "Emmett?"  I whisper.  "Emmett, can you hear me?"  He doesn't give any indication of it and just stares straight ahead.  I let out a sob.  "You son of a bitch." I say to Alex and backing away from Emmett before he hurts me again.  

     "Kill him." is all he says to Emmett, nodding to Connor.

     "No!" I scream as Emmett walks towards Connor.  "Emmett, come back to me! Please!"  I run and stand in front of Connor protectively.  Emmett just throws me to the side as if I'm nothing.  Connor uses his powers to throw him across the room, and he lays on the floor, not moving.  I hold my breath until I see that he's breathing, and I let out a sigh of relief.  Connor lifts his hand up and Alex is pressed up against the wall.

     "Where's the cure?" Connor snarls threateningly.  

     "Now, why would I tell you that when this is so much more fun?" Alex taunts him.  I walk to a computer that's in the corner.  Unfortunately, it's password-protected.  I sigh.  

     "What's the password Alex?" I ask him.  

     "No telling you." Suddenly, I think of something.  I walk over to where Emmett is laying and search his pockets.  I find what I'm looking for- his cell phone.  I look in his contacts and find Brett's name.  He picks after one ring.

     "Emmett, what's up? Did you find her?"  I'm assuming he's talking about me.

     "This is actually Amy, he told me about you once and I need your help."

     "Where's Emmett?"  He asks, sounding concerned.  "Is he okay?"

     "No."  I hate how my voice cracks.  I take a deep breath to calm myself down. "That's why I need your help.  How do you hack into a computer?"  

     "I'm not gonna be able to tell you over the phone.  I need to access the computer from here."  He asks for a bunch of information on the computer that I barely understand.  I can only find what he's asking by describing what the computer looks like and having him explain where to find it.  Then, a couple of minutes later, I'm in.

     "Thank you." I say.  

     "Don't thank me." he answers.  "Just make sure he's okay, alright?"  We hang up, and I start looking through the computer for a cure for Emmett.  I know I have to work fast so that I find it before he wakes up.  

     "How are you doing?" Connor calls over to me from where he's holding Alex.  

     "I think I found something." I answer.  I'm looking through the files they have on the serum that Alex gave Emmett.  One experiment was conducted where they were able to reverse the affects of it, and I find the name of the serum used.  "SX-2987.  Did you just make that name up because it sounds scientific or something?"  Alex just sits there in silence, a look of rage on his face.

     "Where is it?" Connor asks.  I search through the lab, trying to find something labelled with that name.  Finally, I find a refrigerator filled with test tubes.  One section has a label under it that says "SX-2987".  

     "I found it!" I exclaim, excitedly.  I find an empty syringe, sanitize it, and put the serum into it.  I start to walk over to Emmett, when he wakes up.  

     "Kill her." Alex says to him, and my eyes widen.  Emmett is in front of me in two seconds and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.  I gasp and look down.  Somehow, he had gotten a knife and stabbed me. 

     "Amy!" I hear Connor scream.  Before I collapse, I force myself to stick the syringe into his arm and his eyes return to their normal color.

     "Amy?" he whispers in shock and catches me in his arms before I hit the ground.  "What have I done? What have I done?!"  I try my best to smile through the pain.

     "It's okay." I say softly.  "You're safe."  He just shakes his head, tears falling down his cheeks.

     "Connor!" he screams.  Connor had already dropped Alex and is crouched next to where Emmett is holding me in his arms.  He places his hand on my stomach wound and concentrates, but nothing happens.  It's too late.  

     In books that I've read, when a character is dying, sometimes they say that it doesn't hurt at all.  I'm calling bullshit on that, because my stomach feels like it's on fire right now.  

     "Try harder!" Emmett yells, but Connor shakes his head.

     "I can't." His voice is trembling, like he's close to tears.  "Dammit!  I'm so sorry Amy."

     "It's okay.  It's not your fault."  I say.  "I'm sorry that we only just got to meet now.  I think you would have been a great brother."  He grabs me hand and squeezes it.   I can feel my eyelids becoming heavier.

     "Stop talking like that!" Emmett exclaims.  "You're gonna be okay."

     "I'm sorry Emmett."  

     "This isn't how it's gonna end." He says, determined.  

     "You have to destroy this place before more people get hurt." I say.  

     "After you're safe." I chuckle.

     "Who is the stubborn one now?"  He doesn't laugh.  

     "You don't get to leave me like this."

     "You'll be okay.  You have to be."  My voice is becoming weaker now and I can tell I don't have much time left.

     "Please, just don't leave me."  I grab his hand.

     "I have to.  And you have to be strong now.  You'll be okay."  He doesn't say anything.  "Please, just tell me you'll be  strong." I plead with him.  I don't want to leave without knowing he'll be okay.  Finally, he nods.

     "I'll try to be strong."

     "Tell Lexi I love her.  And that I'm sorry."  

     "I will."  He leans down and presses a long, gentle kiss to my lips, and I feel a few tears leave my eyes.  As he's kissing me, everything fades to black.  

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