Chapter 5

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Infinti's POV

We are currently eating and watching TV. We haven't talked in an hour. "Hayes?" I asks. He looks at me. "Your not gonna tell Molly right?" I ask looking at my lap. "If you promise to stop and talk to me when you think about doing it again and tell me why." Hayes says. No emotion in his voice and no emotion on is face. "Ok I guess you can have an explanation even tho we aren't friends or anything. But I swear you tell anyone I'll kill you!" I say glaring at him. He puts his hands up in surrender. "Miss Princess, I wouldn't dream of it." He says. "Well I started when I was 11. It's when my parents first started to leave me at home alone. My brother was more of a parent to me than they ever were. He was the golden boy and was my big protector. Then my brother started getting in the wrong crowd thinking he was better than everyone He became the popular golden boy. Then he changed all of a sudden he was the bad boy. He was doing drugs, drinking, sleeping around. He hit me once and the look he had in his green eyes was different it was so many emotions. After that night I never saw him again. Nobody heard from him. My big brother was gone, I officially had no one. I started cutting more eating less. I felt so alone. I had molly and a couple of the guys but they didn't understand they had their parents that loved them. I started to change a lot I was no longer the innocent lil girl that smiled for no reason. I didn't smile."
*timeskip to the end*

I am officially crying. To make it even better I'm crying in front of golden boy Grier. "I'm sorry I must look pathetic. I hate crying. You'd think I'd get used to it tho" I say with a sad laugh wiping my eyes. I look down and try to cover my face. "I'm sorry Grier you didn't want to hear all that." I say looking down ashamed of myself. "Infinti look at me." Hayes says putting his hands on my face and lifting my head up to look at him. "You are not pathetic. You're a strong beautiful girl that's been through a lot. Who has a hard time trusting people and thinks she isn't good enough. But you are perfect the way you are." Hayes says wiping the tears out of my eyes and Pulling me into his lap. I don't even fight him. I just lay there. "Princess you are perfect. Just promise me you won't cut." Hayes says. I look up at him and see his blue eyes looking broken. "I'll try not to." I say. "Lil miss badass look at me. If you ever feel like cutting take my wrists and I'll let you cut my wrists. Ok?" Hayes says his eyes glossy. "I could never do that Hayes. No matter how much I thought I hated you I could never bring the pain I feel onto you." I say. "How can someone so perfect feel so much pain?" Hayes asks. "The same way someone so strong never gets asked if their ok." I say. Hayes doesn't say a word. He just takes my wrists in his hands. He kisses my scars. "Hayes." I say. "Yea?" He asks. "You know your really not that bad. I'm sorry for how I treated you." I say. "You know lil Miss badass your not half bad either. I'm sorry I come across as a dick a lot. I may be a flirt but I'd never hurt anyone on purpose." Hayes says. I kiss his cheek. "What was that for?" He asks. "For being here for me. Even tho you didn't really have a choice." I say. "You know I wouldn't have traded tonight to go hangout with my friends I'd rather be here." He says. I smile. "You really should smile more" Hayes says smiling down at me. "Same to you golden boy Grier." I say grinning. "I will you will lil miss badass." He says. "Deal" I say smiling. "You wanna go get ice cream?!" I say "Miss badass it's midnight. I don't wanna walk." Hayes says. "We don't have to walk! And I know but come on please?" I ask. "Ugh fine lets put this stuff up first." I nod and we pick up the theater and put the stuff in the trash. "I'm gonna get some shoes" I say. I run upstairs and grab my wallet and shoes and come back down to Hayes. "Ready?" I ask. "Yea." Hayes says. "You can drive right?" I ask. "Yes miss bad ass I can." He says smiling. "Good." I say smiling back. We go to the garage. "Pick a car golden boy." I say. "This one." He says standing next to the hummer. I grab the keys and toss them to him. We get in the car and buckle up. "Ready miss badass darlin?" Hayes asks. I nod. We leave my house and head to get ice cream. I start taking pics and vids of Hayes on snapchat. "Hayyeeesss" I say. "What lil Missy?" He asks. "Your ugly!" I say laughing but I wink at him. He just chuckles. I save the vid and put it on my story. "Golden boy?" I say. "Miss badass?" Hayes Says. "I'm fangirling over you!" I say squealing. He bursts out laughing.


We just got back to my house. Hayes is sleepy.
He stole my phone starting hacking all my social media. He's a dork. We get inside and I lock everything. "You ready for bed?" I ask a yawning golden boy. He nods. I take his hand. "Let's go." I say pulling him upstairs. I go to my room. I assume Hayes goes to his room. I get in bed and I feel the bed dip next to me. I look at Hayes. "What are you doing golden boy?" I ask. He looks at me like I'm dumb. "Sleeping." He says and closes his eyes. I end up snapchating it. He finally falls asleep and I take pics of him and put them on my story. Then I take a pic of both of us and caption it "crazy adventures with this crazy golden boy☺️" I tweet it and sc it and post it on ig. With that I lock my phone and cuddle up into him and fall asleep...

Wait. She plays football?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin