Chapter 22

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Iti's POV

So after that night, we finished our last day of school. Hayes left. He's been gone. He went to cali and all over the world. Me? I've been home. Cheered a lot, tumbled a lot. Football hasn't started yet. Oh yea and my hairs even darker now. I haven't really hung out with any of my friends. I miss Hayes and I'm tired of getting attached to someone and then leaving. So hayes' birthday is in a couple days. Which means molls birthday is in a couple days. Speaking of molls in walks her with a bucket of candy. "Come on iti, let's go do something." She says. "No" I say chucking a pillow at her. In walks J "get out of the bed." He says plopping down next to me. "I don't have anything to do" I say. "Yes you do we're going on a trip." Molls says. "Your bags packed I packed it last night. It's loaded in the car." J says. "Wait you were in here while I was sleeping??" I say. "Yea you a cute lil sleeper." He says kissing my head. I laugh at him. "Now come on get out of bed, go shower and get dressed we're leaving in an hour." Molls says plopping on my bed. "I hate y'all." I groan getting up. "We love you too baby" they say. I go into the bathroom and shower. I wrap up in a towel. I come out.  "Wait where are we going?" I ask. "we've got hired to do a Victoria's Secret photo shoot and we have to fly there." Molls says. "And I'm just driving y'all to the airport making sure my favorite lil girls get there safely." J says. I laugh. "Thanks j" I say walking into my closet. I grab my cropped hoodie, some leggings, I get my bra and panties. I throw on my clothes. I walk out of the closet. "B looks good and she ain't even fixed her hair or done makeup" J says. "She's constantly looking better than me" molls says. I roll my eyes "as if, y'all are a mess" I say. They smile at me. I sit in front of my vanity. "Molls do I have to wear face makeup?" I ask. "No ma'am" she says. "Great!!" I say. I put on waterline eyeliner, mascara and half way do my eyebrows. I put on some chapstick. I quickly straighten my hair. I take a mirror pic for sc. "adventure awaits. Where I'm going idk:)" I post it on my story.

I grab my back pack and throw my beats in, and anything I may need on the plane

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I grab my back pack and throw my beats in, and anything I may need on the plane. I grab my chargers. "I'm all ready."

 I say

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I say. "great let's go get snack!" Molls says. J rolls off the bed onto the floor. I stand over him and put my hand out. "Come on J baby" I say. He takes my hand and I pull him up. "Let's go lil mama" j says placing his arm over my shoulder. We go downstairs and out to the car. I climb in shot gun. "Hey don't forget we gotta pick up Jarrett too" molls says. "Already heading that way." J says. I look at the both of them. "Great I'm third wheeling" i say rolling my eyes. "Oh hush up. Bet you'll just find some cute guy on the beach" molls says. "The beach?!? Wait where are we going?" I ask. "Miami and then cali" she says. "Really?" I ask. "Yes ma'am" j says. "Why can't you come with?" I ask J. "Cause lil mama I gotta work" he says. "Awww" I whine and pout. We pull up to Jarretts house and he hops in. "Hey jare" I say. "Hey iti" he says and kisses molls. Aw cute. I miss him. Apparently it shows on my face. J pats my thigh and gives me a soft sad smile. I smile back at him. We finally pull up to target, we get out. I spend over $30 on snacks I grab monsters and Arizona teas along with the snacks. We get in the car and head to the airport. J parks the car as we arrive. We all get out and grab our luggage. We go into the airport. We get through security with enough time to get Starbucks. We go and I order. I get the midnight mint. I go to pay for it but jay winks at the girl working. "Add a salted caramel too" he says and hands her the money. She gives him the drinks. "Here ya go lil mama" he says. I laugh "thanks j but I could've paid for it." I say as we walk to our gate. "No worries lil one." He says. After 10 mins they call our flight. "Well that's us." Molls says. I look at j. "I'll see ya when you get lil mama" he says. I smile and hug jinx "much love for you J" I say. "Always lil one" he says. We walk into the tunnel and get on the plane. It's in rows of three. Thank God! "I call window" I say. Molls smiles. "It's all yours I don't want it." She says. I smile knowing she hates seeing out the window on flights. I slide it and sit down. I put my bag under my seat. "Hello this is your captain speaking. Passengers I need you to buckle up so we can be on our way"  the captain says. I buckle and grab my beats and pillow. I pull my blanket out. I lay down and look out the window. Slowly drifting to sleep.

Wait. She plays football?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin