Chapter 16

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Infiniti's POV

I wake up to my Alarm clock. I look over and see that it's 7:15. Ugh school. Nash and the guys went back to Cali for a week. I grab my phone and see what the weathers gonna be. It's a high of 70 I groan, getting out of bed. I go to my closet and look for an outfit for school. Luckily only 4 days left of school, till summer break. I grab a pair of ripped white skinny jeans, a gray cropped tank top and a beacon hills Stilinski hoodie. I grab my gray vans, and take my clothes to the bathroom. Leaving my hoodie and shoes on my footstool and get dressed. Not bothering to actually fix my hair, I put hair up in a messy bun. I go back into my room, dropping my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper. I glance at my bed and notice Hayes isn't there. I guess he went home or something. I go over to my vanity and starts on my makeup. I do a gray crease/smokey eye. I decide not to wear my contacts and to wear my glasses instead. I take out my contacts and put my glasses on. I quickly paint my nails, gray and white. I sit and watch tv for a few letting them dry. They finally dry, so I decide to put my vans on. I put on my Kendra Scott necklace, necklace. My diamond earrings and belly button ring. I grab my vans bag and make sure all my school supplies are in it. I grab my duffle bag, packing all my football gear in it. I grab my phone, back pack, duffle, hoodie and head downstairs. I see Dani and Molly in the kitchen. "All the guys left." Dani says, I nod. Dropping my stuff in an empty chair and sitting down. Jeffery places a plate and fork in front of me, 2 fried eggs, 3 pieces of bacon and a bagel. "Thanks Jeffery my love" I say. "No problem Iti" he says coming back with a glass of orange juice and setting it down. We all eat and make small talk. We finally finish and its 8:10. "Y'all ready to head to hell?" I ask. "Let's roll" Molly says. I grab my keys and we head out to the garage. I toss Molly the keys and hop in shot gun. We all get in, Molly turns on the car and I turn the radio on and open the garage door. She pulls out and we head to school. "Y'all we have plenty of time before school wanna go get Starbucks?" I ask. "Yes!" They both say. We sing and screech till we get to Starbucks we go through the drive through. I order a cookie crumble, the girls order and we pull up to the window and wait. They finally give us our order and we pay and pull out heading to school. We finally pull up to school. Molly parks in our spot. We hop out. Us being the populars everyone's staring at us. I roll my eyes. Someone's hands go around my eyes and someone else grabs my hand. "Get your damn hands off of me" I say. "Damn feisty, I like it" I hear Hayes say. And with that I know J is the one with my hand in his. I quickly turn around. "What are you doing here?!?! I thought you weren't going to public school." I say. "Well you see, I pulled some strings. So I could go to school with my favorite little lady." Hayes says winking at me. He's got his hands on my hips. I grin up at him. "Now do I have to worry about you trying and taking my QB position?" I ask. "Even if I try I don't believe I'll be able to take it, pretty sure my dad loves you more than me." Hayes says. I smile. "Never in a million years princess would I take your place" Hayes says kissing my head. "Everyone's staring I think we should head inside now." Molly says holding Jarretts hand. "I mean we have the Biggest Golden couple ever right here" J says. "Big problem about that sentence. Is that we aren't dating." I say. Hayes' face changes real fast. "Pretty sure lover boy would change that in a heart beat." Denver says with his arm around Dani. "Let's go inside." I say grabbing Hayes' hand,  pulling him inside the school with me. We have 15 mins till school starts. I drag Hayes to my locker. I drop off my vans bag. "Come to the locker room with me?" I ask shifting my duffle and looking up at him. "Of course baby girl." He says wrapping his arm around my waist. We walk to the locker room. We walks in, "they've really vamped this place up" Hayes says looking at my locker. I smile dropping my bag in my locker. "Let's go get that schedule of yours." I say smiling. He grabs my hand and we walk to the office. We finally get there and we walk in the second we walk in. Our secretary looks at me. "Ms Infiniti school hasn't even started yet, Darlin' what did you manage to get yourself into?" She asks. "Hello to you too Mrs Venus, but I'm actually not in trouble. I came to help this kid young kid get his schedule." I say smiling sweetly, stepping to the side so she can see Hayes. "Oh Mr Grier nice to see you again, and good girl I'm proud of you." She says. "Good to see you again." Hayes says smiling. "Now let's get you that schedule." She says smiling. She prints it out and hands it to him. "Now you 2 get going before your late." She says. "Bye Mrs. Venus." I say smiling. "Bye Infiniti bye Hayes" she says smiling. we walk out of the office. "Well let me see that schedule of yours." I say taking it from his hand. "Look at that we have the same classes." I say. He smiles he puts his hand around my waist. "Let's get going to chemistry" I say. We walk to class and walk through the door just as the bell rings. "Nice of you both to join us" Mr Pickler says. "Hey you should just be glad I'm not late" I say. "Just go sit down." Mr Pickler says. I nod taking my seat by J. "Ahh yes we have a new, well not that new. Class this is Hayes Grier." Mr Pickler introduces him. "You can take a seat in the empty chair by Infiniti" he says Hayes nods and comes and sits in the chair in front of me. Mr Pickler goes on and on about something, I choose to ignore him. I feel a hand go on my leg. I look and see its Hayes. Class is finally almost over and Mr Pickler shuts up. "Dude I'd appreciate it if you did have your hand on my girl" Drew says. I literally am dying. "Your girl? First of all I don't belong to anyone and I especially do not belong to you, you ignorant fuck boy. Don't ever talk like I belong to you again. Got it?" I ask standing up and grabbing him by his collar. He looks terrified. "Infiniti Jordan let go of the boy now!" Mr Pickler says. I huff and drop his collar. "I suggest you sit down unless you want a detention." Mr Pickler says. I groan and sit back down. Hayes leans back and looks are me. "I thought it was pretty hot" he says winking.

*timeskip to the end of the school day*

It's raining really hard but we usually still have practice. I'm walking out to the field when I get a call from coach. I quickly answer it.
*phone convo*

I: hey coach, what's up?

C: just wanted to let you know I sent the boys home because it's supposed to start storming. Hayes is supposed to come find you.

I: oh ok, you sure we can't practice?

C: fin, I'm positive, there is no practice today.  I think my son is wanting to take you out. But, shhhhh.

I: *chuckles* ok coach, thanks for the heads up.

C: no problem fin, I gotta go.

I: ok bye

*end of phone convo*

I turn around and start walking to the exit when arms wrap around me. I start giggling, I close my eyes. I feel a kiss on my cheek. "I'm taking you little missy out for a meal if you'd like to?" Hayes says. I smile, "I'd be honored" I say. He grins and grabs my hand pulling me outside. I put my hood on and pull out my keys. I hand Hayes the keys and We run through the parking lot my white jeans getting soaked. We finally get in the car and my pants are soaked. My entire body is soaked. "We're going to your house so we can change and then we're going out to get some food." Hayes says resting his hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh. "Sounds good to me." I say. Hayes starts the car and heads to my house. The car hydros a little bit from the water. "Hayes be careful ok, this rain is bad." I say. "I got it princess" he says reassuringly. I smile. We finally pull into my drive way. we open the gate and pulls into the garage. We both get out and go to the door, Hayes puts the keys with the rest of them. I open the door, and drag Hayes into the house. "You still got clothes upstairs." I say, he nods. "What do I wear?" I ask. "Something cute, not dressy tho cause it's rainy" Hayes says. "Where are we going?" I ask. "I was thinking sushi" he says winking. I grin. I jump on him. "I love you, I love you, I love you!!!" I say. He wraps his arms around me. "I love you too babe" he says. He puts me down and we go upstairs. I go into my room and start searching through my closet. It's cold because it's raining, it's in the 70s. I finally decide on a simple yet cute outfit. I towel dry my hair. Letting it dry into beach waves I quickly get dressed. I pull out my white converse. I do really light natural makeup. Once I'm finished getting ready, I go downstairs to see Hayes already down there. "You look gorgeous" he says kissing my cheek. "Thanks cutie" I say. "Let's roll before the storms get bad." Hayes says. I nod and we go to the garage. We decide the jeep will be the best with the whether. We get in it and pull out. We finally get to the sushi place. It's a a sushi Buffet. We quickly go inside trying to not get soaked. We eat and goof around. Once we finish, we decide we should head back, the whether is getting really bad. The rain picks up to where you can't see, the car is sliding a little on the road. "Hayes keep both hands on the wheel and focus on the road, I'm calling your mom" I say. He nods. I dial Elizabeth's number.

E: Iti honey how are you guys?!?

I: Elizabeth it's getting bad, I'm starting worry.

E: how far are y'all?

I: maybe 15

E: ok make sure Hayes pays attention to the road, be careful please.

I: yes ma'am

*car starts sliding*
"Hayes what's happening?!?" I say. "Babe I don't know" *car slides even more.* "hayyeesssss" I scream as we start spinning.

E: Infiniti honey?!??

And that's when it ended, we slide into something and the car rolled. My body starts thrashing around. My head slams the door. And everything turns black...

Wait. She plays football?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin