Broken Love

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SLAP! SLAP! His blows hit me hard. I didn't really do anything, but he always still seems to hit me. My name is Alice. I have a drunken stepdad who is really mean when he's sober, but an absolutely monster when he's drunk.

This  time, he was hitting me for not making him dinner. The belt hit me over and over again, burning my skin as welts started to form.

"Stop! Please!" I cry out, sheilding my head with my arms, wishing it would finally end. He ignores my pleas. "YOU WILL MAKE MY DINNER BEFORE I GET HOME!" he says, each word punctuated by another hit of the belt. I lay there, crying and curled in the fetal postion, trying my best to protect myself.

Finally, the beatings stop. He walks away, going into the kitchen to grab another beer. I got up and ran, using that oppurtunity to escape.

I ran until I couldn't run anymore from the pain of the welts that were beginning to turn black and blue. Unknowingly, I had ran to my best friend, Nathan's, house. Hoping he was home, I banged on the door until Nathan finally opened it. He sees the tears running down my face and the bruises that had already turned black in the matter of minutes and lets you inside.

"Oh my goodness! Alice! What happened to you?" Nathan asks. I wasn't surprised by the shock on his face. I had never told him about the abuse that went on in my house, but I felt that if I kept the secret from him any longer, I would explode. The story just spilled out, no detail being left unsaid.

"It's my stepdad!" I sobbed, "He beats me every chance he gets with whatever he can get his hands on! It's worse when he drinks! I'm seriously afraid for my life, Nathan!"  He looks at me with a look of concern.

"How long has this been going on? Why haven't you told me sooner?" he says, obviously concerned.

These questions left me speechless, wondering myself why I didn't tell him. I told him everything, but not this one thing.

"Umm. I'm not really sure." I say. "I guess I was hoping he would change. But it started as soon as my mom married him!" "But it's been three years since they got married!" Nathan exclaimed. I hung my head, ashamed, and said "I know."

He shook his head and put his arm around me. "You're not going back there, Alice!" he said. "But.." you say. "But nothing! We will get your stuff tomorrow!"

I start to object, but Nathan holds up his hands and says "No ifs, ands, or buts about it! It's final. You can sleep in my room. I will sleep on the couch." Again, I start to agrue, but he walks away before a world even leaves my mouth.


Author's Note:

Hello everyone! My name is Amber. This is my 1st fanfic that I have written on this account. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment and vote if you enjoy it! Anything you want to see in this fanfic or a future fanfic? leave it on my message board! Also, you should go check out my joint account with three other lovely ladies, UKUSfoundTW!

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