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Nathan’s POV

That press conference was a disaster, I thought to myself as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. I haven’t been sleeping as well as I usually do when Alice is by my side. But it can’t be anything compared to what she was probably was enduring, so I had to be strong for her. I popped the Xanax my doctor prescribed for me and laid back, trying to relax. As I closed my eyes, I got a thought. Alice had mentioned an old abandoned building she said her stepdad had always gone to to get drunk in! I shot up in my bed, wondering why I hadn’t thought of it before.

Throwing back the duvet, I picked up my phone to call the lead investigator on Alice’s case. I told him where I thought Alice was being held. He told me to hold tight at the house until he got there, so we could go over together. I thanked him and hung up. Without thinking, I called the rest of the band. I put them all in a group call so I could tell them all at what I had remembered.

Max: Mate, I know we are close and all, but this had better be good if you are waking us all up at this ungodly hour.

This made me chuckle.

Siva: Well, get on with it.

Me: Ok, ok lads. Just listen to me. I just remembered that Alice had once mentioned an old abandoned building that her stepdad had always gone to to go get drunk. The investigator is on his way, but I think that is where he is holding her. If it is, I am going to need all of you there to help me from killing that bastard.

By that time they were all awake and alert. They all started talking at once.

Tom: OK, mate, we are on our way.

Jay: Thank god you remembered!

Max: I would help you kill him. (everyone laughed)

Siva: Let’s go get her!

Just then, there was a knock on the door. I hung up the phone and rushed down the stairs. There stood the investigator and all the guys. I let them all in, ready to go get Alice and bring her safely back home.

“I sent a patrolman out to the area where you suspect Alice is to interview those who live in the area. It turns out there has been an increase of activity over there.  I think you may be onto something, Nathan.” The investigator said. Hope swelled inside me.

“Well, what are we waiting for?! LET’S GO!” I said, impatient and wanting my girl back in my arms.

Thirty minutes later

We finally pulled up to the abandoned warehouse. It looked like somewhere that dirtbag would go. I was the first out of the car and rushing toward the door. The investigator was behind me, shouting for me to wait for back up. I ignored his commands and broke down the door to the building.

Alice’s POV

I was just drifting off to sleep, numb from the beatings I had received today, when I heard a noise outside. The snoring a few feet away from me signaled that, whatever it was, my stepdad was still in his alcohol induced slumber.

“WAIT, NATHAN! WAIT FOR BACKUP!” I heard someone yell. Nathan! My heartbeat increased eager to finally be in his arms again. The sounds of the door being knocked down echoed through the house.

“ALICE!” I heard Nathan yell. I tried to yell out to him, but the gag in my mouth prevented any and all noise to be stifled. Still, my stepdad slept on.

“ALICE!” he shouted again. This time, I was able to spit out the gag and yelled “DOWN HERE!” as loud as I could. I heard the door open behind me. I let out a sigh of relief.

I felt Nathan’s presence around me before he finally reached me. “Don’t make any noise. I am going to set you lose.” He whispered in my ear. I nodded in acknowledgement. He untied my blindfold first, then untied my wrists, and finally moved around to untie my ankles.

That is when I noticed it had gotten quiet in the room. I looked over to where my stepdad had been sleeping to find him standing behind Nathan. “Nathan! WATCH OUT!” I screamed as loud as my damaged body would let me.  Just before he was stabbed in the back, Nathan rolled out of the way. Instead of getting Nathan, the knife tore down my leg. I cried out.

Nathan wrestled with my stepdad until he had him pinned down. He grabbed the nearest weapon to him, a shotgun, and held it to his chest. The asshole just laid there in submission, with his hands in the air. “Not such a tough guy are you?” Nathan asked.  When my stepdad got a chance, he lunged at Nathan, which caused Nathan to pull the trigger. My stepdad  stopped dead in his tracks, held his hand to his chest, and slumped over.

Blood was gushing out of his chest as the police and the rest of lads rushed into the room. I was crying as Nathan came over and helped me up.

“Jesus Christ, Alice! I was so worried! Can you walk?” He asked. I shook my head. I had too many injuries to my legs, not to mention I had been sitting in that chair for longer than I could remember. Nathan carefully picked me up and carried me outside to a waiting ambulance.

He set me gingerly down onto the gurney. “Is she going to be ok?” he asked the nearest paramedic. “It’s too soon to tell,” he replied.

“Nathan” I said, just barely above a whisper. He turned and looked at me. “I love you.” I said right before I passed out again. Nathan held my hand and said he loved me too, even if I couldn’t hear him.

Nathan’s POV

I finally got my girl back. She was finally safe with me. I killed that bastard. He will never hurt her again. Now I have to concentrate on helping Alice recover. She coded four times on the way to the hospital, as well as once more when we finally got there. It felt so good to have her back alive, but it would kill me if she couldn’t pull through. The doctor told me she had about a 30% chance of surviving. That was enough for my Alice. She was a fighter. The doctors took her into the operating room so they can fix her internal injuries. The wait was excruciating. Ten long hours later, she was rolled into her recovery room. When I was finally able to go in to see her, I practically set down roots in the chair next to her bed. “Alice, please pull through. I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so much.” I whispered to her as I held her hand. A tear slipped out of the corner of my eye. This was the worst I have ever seen her. I was so glad I had killed that bastard. Now she can have a peaceful life, like she deserves.

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