Telling Scooter (Alice's P.O.V.)

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I woke up the next morning with my back pressed against Nathan's hard body. It has been quite awhile since I have been this happy. I gently pecked Nathan on the cheek and  slide out of under the covers and into my fuzzy slippers. I got up from the bed and opened the door to go downstairs, but paused just for a second to watch Nathan as he slept. I smiled to myself and walked down the stairs.

I entered the kitchen to find Karen fixing breakfast. She looks in my direction when she heard me walk into the room. "Good morning, Alice! Sleep well?" she says. I smile and nod, "Yes! Need a hand?" I asked. "Sure! Flip the bacon, please?" she says. I walked over and flipped the back like i was asked to. As I was doing so, I couldn't help but to smile to myself. "You are happy today!" Karen says. I nod. "Things are finally back to normal!" I tell her. She just smiles and continues to prepare breakfast.

Just as Karen and I were setting the table, I saw Karen grin widely. I wondered what was so funny, but continued to set the table. That's when I felt Nathan's arms wrap around my waist from behind. "Good morning, beautiful." Nathan whispers into my ear. I smiled and said "Good morning, Nath!" before turning around to face him. He leaned into me and kissed me. The kiss turned hot and passionate. 

"HeHem!" Karen cleared her throat to break us apart. I flushed a bright red and sat down to eat. Nathan sat next to me and Karen sat opposite of me. "So, are you sure you want me to go to Scooter with us?" Nathan asked. I sat silently, thinking, before answering. "Yes. It will be better this way. I mean, it will save us from the rumors that are bound to spread if we didn't." Karen nodded her agreement. "Fine. After breakfast, come with me to Scooter's office so we can tell him together. He won't like it. But he will have to deal with it." Nathan says, causing me to smile at the end of his sentence.

The rest of breakfast passed quickly. Next thing I knew, Nathan and I were in the car heading over to Scooter's office. I was nervous, but was absolutely sure this was what I wanted. Nathan must have been able to sense how nervous I was because he reached over and squeezed my hand. That small act of compassion made my confidence soar like a bird. All nervousness that had previously sent butterflies flying through my stomach was gone.

Nathan pulled into the parking lot of the office building where Scooter's office was located. He put the car in park and turned off the engine. I took a deep breath and climbed out of the car, closing the door behind me. Nathan walked up to me and took my hand. As long as I had him, I feel like I can conquor the world!

Nathan opened the door for me and waited until I walked inside. We walked silently hand in hand to the elevators where I pressed the button to call the elevator. It came almost immediately. We stepped inside and pressed the button to Scooter's floor. "Are you ready?" Nathan asked. "As ready as I will ever be!" I responded.

We stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall to Scooter's office, where Nathan knocked on the door. The door opened and Scooter stood there with a look of surprise on his face. "Nathan! What are you doing here?" he asked. "I need to talk to you. Can we come in?" Nathan responds. He waited for a moment until Scooter nodded.

We walked into Scooter's huge office and sat down. "So what's up?" Scooter asks. Nathan squeezed my hand one last time. "We wanted to let you know personally that we are together before you found out through the press." Scooter looked at the two us in disbelief. "Nathan, do you know what this is going to do to the fanbase?" Nathan nodded. "We are prepared to lose some Fanmily members. And even prepared to get hate. But it isn't enough to break us up." he responded. Scooter looked at me. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "I don't want anything to tear us apart." I said. Nathan smiled at me.

"Well, if the two of you are certain about this, then I will schedule some press conferences and interview so you can go public with your relationship!" Scooter said. I was surprised by his reaction. I expected more of a fight from him. "Well, we will let you figure that out! Call me when you have the dates!" Nathan said. We got up, shook Scooter's hand, and walked out.


Author's Note:

I loved writing this chapter. Sorry if it was a bit on the long side. Comment, vote, and spread the word if you like it! Thanks!



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