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Do you get that moment of inspiration that drives you to do something academic?

I got inspired by absolutely nothing last evening but I managed to finish one of my assignments last night. I sat up all night to finish it and I got no wink of sleep.

Wide awake I sat on the carpet with two textbooks and several papers along with my MacBook. I saw the sunrise today, I tend to miss that scene every day but I got lucky today.

I was about to get up I heard someone knock on the door. I walk to the door and opened it partly to see who it was.

"Hey." I see Jasper.

"Hi." I smile.

"I was-I came to ask you if you'd like to come with me to drop the twins off." He looks at me.

"Won't James be alone?" I ask.

"Don't worry about him, mom is taking him with her to work. She needs to make sure he takes his medicines." I looked down at my feet.

"We could grab some coffee and breakfast after we drop them." He suggests. I look up to him and gave a small nod. "Coffee will help me right now. Give me ten minutes." I tell him, he nods in response and then I close the door.

The words that mothers know best are apparently very true. Sarah was worried about her children falling sick after letting them out in the snow but it was only little James that got affected by the winter breeze.

I warm up quickly with a warm shower and dressed in a sweater dress with leggings and ankle length boots. Taking my handbag, I leave my room. I could hear the twins talking downstairs.

"Morning guys!" I greet the twins.

"Morning!" Jessica greets me. "You'll get to see where we study. Our school looks like those in Britain." She gets all excited. "Ignore her excitement. She's always excited about school because she's going to see Dylan, like any other day." Jesse tells me. "Oh shut up Jes." She punches him in the arm.

"Do you two have to be like this before you guys go?" I ask them.

"Trust me, Holly, it's a mystery as to how I survive with her." he gave a quick scowl at Jessica, so did she but before she could respond, Jasper came and the conversation just went silent.

The twins made their way out of the house, I followed them and Jasper followed us after he locked the door. Jessica and Jesse sat at the back which meant I would be in the passenger seat.

I sit and secure myself with the seatbelt, by then Jasper got in and put on his seatbelt. He starts the engine and switched on the radio. The twins started to sing along to the song as Jasper drove out from the driveway and headed to the main road.

It felt different to finally get out of the house after a week but I definitely needed the sleep so I won't complain.

It wasn't a long ride; Jasper parked his car among all the cars in the school's parking lot. "Last day of school." Jasper turned around and looked at them. "Have fun!" He gave them a thumbs up.

"I still don't get why we were to have two days of school this week," Jesse complained. "You're going to get days to play your games." Jasper told him.

"See you later, Holly." Jessica tells me as she opens the door to leave. "Have a good day." I smile.

Jesse and Jessica got off the car and I watched them walk to the entrance. Reminded me of the days I was dropped to school in the morning after eating breakfast alone. I sound like a miserable lonely girl but that's a fact of my life.

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