s i x t e e n

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I heard someone call my name very softly. I groan a little.

"Are you awake?"

"I think," I reply with my eyes still closed. "Are you going to wake up soon." I heard the person ask.

"I probably would with all the questions." I turn to the voice. "I'm sorry for waking you up." I hear her say.

"It's okay Jessica." I tell her and slowly try to open my eyes. "Don't you think it's a bit early for Jesse or me to crush on people we might like?" she asked me.

"Not really." I sit up, I rub my eyes with my hand to wake up. "Our heart is a crazy organ that makes you fall for the smallest of the things you see in someone." I finally managed to open my eyes and look at her. "But yeah, you might have a point considering that you guys are arguing over "love" at this age," I tell her. "This is your age to relax and enjoy life because you will never get this phase again. Once you bring the whole "love" emotion into your innocent life, things get ugly and complicated." she nods her head.

Jessica was really upset, you could see it on her face. She let out a sigh and then looked at the time. "It's half past seven, I think we should get ready for breakfast," she tells me, I nod. She got off the bed and walked to the door.

"Jessie." she turned around before she opened the door.

"Are you two seriously ten-year-olds?" she laughed at my question.

"Eleven in two months." she replied, opened the door and closed it behind her.


"I was thinking if Tuesday or Wednesday would be a good day for us ladies to go shopping," Sarah asked Juliet, Jessica and me. "We need to pick up some Christmas gifts too." Juliet placed the washed and dried plates on the shelf.

We were in the kitchen after having our breakfast, Sarah wanted to talk to us three and so we were in the kitchen.

"I'm off from Tuesday so I could work that out." Juliet nodded and agreed.

"I don't have anything planned for those days." I smile and reply.

"And Jessica can enjoy her day with us after her two-day grounding." Jessica let out a groan and stomped her feet. "Well, if the two of you could control your emotions then you and Jesse would never be grounded in the first place." Sarah told her. Juliet and I stood there silently, Jessica walked out of the room with a huff and Sarah smiled at us.

After all the dishes were placed in its places, Sarah and Juliet sat down by the counter to discuss the menu for today's lunch and dinner. I decided to go to my room and work on my next assignment or I could have a warm afternoon shower.

I closed the door of the room and walked to the dressing table and placed my watch there, I let my hair down and stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself. Usually, when I stood in front of any mirror, my mind begins to yell at me, telling me how my life is in such a mess but right now all my mind could think of is Jasper.

My heart and mind thought of Jasper almost every moment of the day but a part of mind keeps reminding me of how boys could be and keep my feelings aside.

Besides, it really wasn't right to like him because he did not invite me to his house to fall for him. He called me here so that I celebrate a Christmas that I would remember. These emotions always complicate everything.

Out of slight frustration, I turn to the bathroom and switch on the water heater.

I heard a knock on my door when I stepped out of the bathroom, my attention went to the door. I walked to it and opened the door and I see Jasper standing in front of me with his hands in the front pocket of his jeans.

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