t w e n t y e i g h t

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We, that is the entire Anderson family and Michael and I were at the community park. The entire neighbourhood was at the park and counted the seconds left along with the giant clock they put up for New Year's Eve.

Jasper and I were holding hands as the countdown began.




I turned to Jasper, he was facing me already.



Our lips met at sharp midnight and we had our first kiss of the year. We planned to kiss when everyone would be part of the commotion of yelling Happy New Year.

Our kiss wasn't long and we parted and went to wish the rest of the family. Little James managed to get out of Peter's arms and came running to Jasper and me.

"Happy New Year!" He exclaims as Jasper picked him up. "Happy New Year, James!" Jasper kisses him on his cheeks.

"Happy New Year, Holly!" He leaned towards me, I took him from Jasper's arms and placed a kiss on his cheek, "Happy New Year!" I chuckle and wish him.

We walked to where the rest were standing. I wished each and everyone. Peter and Sarah served some of Sarah's special punch she prepared so that we could have something like champagne to start with.

We raised our glasses in the air and Peter decides to speak. "To a new year!"

"To a new year!" We cheer and take a sip of our punch.

We spent some more time at the park. Jasper, Juliet and the twins introduced me to a few of their friends. Around one in the morning, Peter gathered us all and got us into the cars and drove home.

The twins and James were fast asleep by the time we reached the house. Peter took James in his arms, James had his head rest on Peter's shoulder. Michael picked Jesse from the car, Jasper picked Jessica and the two of them walked into the house.

I say goodnight to Sarah and Juliet before I got into my room. I closed the door behind me and switched on the lights. I let out a sigh and walked to the bathroom to dress in something comfortable for the rest of the night.

I dressed in my pj's and left my hair in a loose braid causing my bangs to fall on my forehead.

I walked back to the room and picked up the clothes on my bed and placed in the suitcase I had on my bed.

I thought about what Jasper told me and I thought of giving it one last shot.

I walked to the cupboard to take some more of my clothes. I placed them as well in the box and I turned to my door since I heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened the door to see Jasper standing there.

I open the door a little wider to let him into the room. Once he was in, I closed the door and turned to him.

"I thought you would be asleep." he walks close to me.

"I had to pack my stuff. I wouldn't get much time in the morning." I reply. He was only an inch away and in a matter of seconds, our lips met again. This time, the kiss was deep and passionate. He had me secured with his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck.

I could not remember a time when I had such an amazing kiss from a guy. Whenever I kissed Jasper, it felt different which made me want to continue kissing him.

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