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I absolutely love the edit work above! In complete awe of it. It's beautiful!

Edit created: ombFlab (Neha)

Thank you Neha!

"You're having a crush on him!" Why do I feel she gets excited about every small thing I tell her?

I have been thinking a lot about what Jasper told me and I wasn't coming up with an answer. Since I had no siblings, the only person I could turn to is my good old friend, Emma. As much as it was a good idea, it wasn't a very good idea.

"I do not have a crush on him." I reply.

"Look, I can say one thing for sure that Jasper has a small crush on you and since you're affected by his words clearly indicates that you're having a crush on him. It's completely normal." she explains.

"No. It means that he wants us to be friends, that's all." I tell her. "He told me that I was his friend so it's definitely more than being partners." I continue to tell her, I could hear her chuckle.

"It seems like Philadelphia has been doing you some good. Your heart is going through what a normal girl goes through, something you blocked yourself for over a year now." I heard her say.

"Did you say he took you out for breakfast?"

"We went out for breakfast and to shut the lady at the counter, I paid." I tell her again.

"But it was his idea?"

"Yes, his idea but that's only bec-" "I got what I wanted. Holly, believe your heart and admit you like him."

"I do not like him, Emma. He's definitely got the perfect deep blue eyes but he's only my partner for the assignment." I sigh, a little annoyed.

"Blue eyes, someone who is giving the chance of having a good Christmas and you are totally enjoying the company and also that of Jasper's. I can confirm that you, from all that I have been hearing from you, Holly Anne Winters are having a crush and it is no celebrity crush."

"Emma, stop it. The last three times I had a crush; they never looked at me and then came the jerk who just ruined things." I told her.

"Which is totally good! You don't have anyone wanting to ask you out on a date now. The things you refused to do in high school, this the time to go for it."


"Holly, I'm not telling you that you need to have a crush on him because of all that has happened." I sigh again.

"In these days, if your heart has felt different for a boy who is taking the effort to give you a good memory then go for it. Holding back your feelings like you did back in school will just mess you up even more. All you will have in your mind will be the idiot you decided to date in the senior year." I mentally let out another sigh.

"No therapy will cure your hypothesis about boys until you have another experience, Holly." She told me.

"Jasper is not my kind, Emma. He needs someone better than me because he deserves someone like that. Not a girl who has had her entire life a mess." I told her.

"If that's what you want to believe. Just saying that if your heart says yes to something and you truly trust it then don't step back."

"I've got a few errands to run and I cannot have the twins alone at home." Sarah spoke as she washed the last plate that was in the sink.

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