Epilogue - Part 1

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"So, you're leaving tomorrow." Emma says as I take some clothes from my cupboard and put it in my little suitcase.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've been in Philadelphia for Christmas." I reply. "I miss student life, Emma. You get longer breaks." I sigh and plop beside her.

In the past four years, life got hectic. Job interviews, new schedules and a fixed number of paid leaves which made it almost impossible to go on a big vacation since I had just started to work. Over time, the number of days increased and I could visit my parents in LA and Jasper and I could attend Juliet and Michael's wedding two years ago. Mom would visit me every four months. Mom, Emma and I would go out on the weekends and mom would spoil the two of us.

We heard the doorbell ring, Emma got up from my bed and went to get the pizza from the delivery guy. I settle my bed in the meantime and walked into the living room.

Emma closed the door and set the pizza box on the coffee table and sat next to me on the couch. I open the box and took in the heavenly aroma of the Hawaiian pizza.

I take a slice and handed it to Emma. I took another slice for myself and took a bite of it. There was a cube pineapple in the bite I took. I couldn't think of adding any fruit on a pizza but there are exceptions for the pineapples.

"Any idea how this Christmas in Philadelphia will be like?" I heard Emma ask while I concentrated on eating my slice of pizza.

"I don't know." I stop chewing to reply to her and then took another bite.

"It's weird how you two will spend your anniversary with everybody around you guys." She says before she takes another bite. "It's your fifth anniversary, he has to make it special. Don't you think?" I shook my head.

"That depends on him." I shrug. "Besides, I don't even know what to get him this time. I've run out of ideas." I sigh and continue to chew on my pizza.

Five years.

Who knew I would be able to survive a long serious relationship. Time just flew and I felt like it was just yesterday that Jasper and I kissed for the first time.

It wasn't all rosy like you expect. With the world we're living in, you could never really have a rosy relationship but we worked on it. Most long lasting relationships would have their boyfriend or girlfriend move in with them but for both of us, we just decided that it was better for us to have our little place.

That made each of our dates exciting.

"What time is he picking you up?" She asks me.

"Around nine. I can't believe tomorrow is the twenty-fourth." She chuckles and takes another slice from the pizza.

"Luke wants to come home with me." I turn to her. "I don't want him to come anywhere near Eliot. He's a devil and he always pushes away the people I start to care a lot about." She frowns and looks away.

Emma and Ryan broke things off three years ago. The way the two were going, you would have expected to have been married by now but that never happened. They still talk to each other but it was their decision to end it all. She seems to be happy with Luke now, I'm not sure where it will head.

"So you're not going home." She nodded, "I'm spending Christmas here with Luke." She tells me.

We sat for probably another hour and then I remember nothing except for my eyes feeling heavy and that I needed to sleep.


I felt something vibrate and it was annoying. I didn't bother to check what it was, thinking it would stop after some time but it didn't.

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