t w e n t y s e v e n

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Just yesterday when I lay on my bed, I was the happiest girl in the world. Today, I wasn't.

I'm not unhappy because of him. I could never be unhappy with him, his smile made me forget everything. What upset me was what he told me.

It wasn't a word, not a sentence but a bunch of sentences that tried to make me understand something that I wish to not understand.

I let out a sigh and checked my phone to see the time.

I was late. I usually wake up early to help out in the kitchen.

I groan and get out of bed and walked into the shower to get ready for the day. I set my hair and decided to go with a jumper and my leggings.

I closed the door of my room and walked to the stairs. I could hear everybody from the dining room, I without making much noise walked into the room.

"Good Morning Holly!" Jessica greets me. "Morning Jessica." I greet her with a smile and sat beside her.

I greet Peter, Jesse, Michael and James as well. While I poured myself some coffee, I noticed Jasper walk into the room. I immediately looked down at my mug and nothing else. It would be worse since I realised he's sitting right in front of me.

"Ah, there you two are!" I heard Sarah exclaim as she came with Juliet with trays stacked with waffles. "I was about to tell the twins to call you two." She looked at me and then at Jasper. "You two were tired when you came home yesterday." She set the waffles on the table.

"Did you have fun, Holly?" She asks me, I nod my head and smile. "I did," I say. I saw him smile but I didn't look at him for long.

Once everyone was seated, we helped each other with handing out the items of breakfast. I ate my waffles and laughed a little at Jessica's and Jesse's paint mess up right after we left yesterday.

Breakfast was done, I helped Juliet in clearing the table. I put the dishes in the dishwasher while Juliet wiped the table. Sarah looked down at the recipe books that lay open in front of her on the kitchen counter. She must be deciding what to make for lunch.

I wash my hand in the sink and dry my hands on one of the kitchen towels. I thought of helping Sarah with lunch but just as I approached her, I saw James standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

I smile and walk towards him. I got down on both my knees in front of him and he smiles. "What's up bud?" I ask him.

"I'm bored." He sighs. "Will you play with me?" He asks me in his cutest way.

"Sure, what do you want to play?" I ask him.

"I'll show you!" He jumps with excitement. "Come Holly!" He continues to jump.

"Okay okay." I calm him a bit. I stood back on my feet and picked him up. He sits on my arm and with my other arm, I made sure he wouldn't fall. "Where are we going?" I ask him.

"My room!" He cheered, I laugh and we made our way out of the kitchen. I climbed the stairs carefully. It took time but we made it up the stairs. I turned to James' room and I saw Jasper come out of his room. He looked at me but I shifted my sight from him to the little boy I was holding.

"Jasper!" Jasper came to where I was standing. He ran his fingers through James' hair. "Hey James, what are you doing?" He asks him.

"Holly and I are going to play," James tells him. "Really? You wanted to play some ball with me?" Jasper slightly pouts. Oh gosh, that was just cute to see him pout.

"No. I play with Holly." He told his brother. Jasper nods his head and I reached for the door. I close the door behind me and let James down. He ran as fast as he could to his shelf and pulled out a box.

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