Part nine

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"Nic get up" a voice says shaking me "what?" I reply back sleepily "Nic its your first day at school" i open my eyes and see dad "morning sunshine" he says and kisses my head "ive brought all your new stuff up so you can decide what to wear, i'll go make you breakfast while you get changed" dad says and leave my room, i decided to wear all my nee bracelets and put my gages in, next i wear my all time low shirt and my red ripped jeans what match my hair and i put my black combats on and then do my make up heavy eyeliner and mascara i then straighten my hair and tease my fringe. I then grab my belt with studs and accessories on so my jeans dont fall down I run downstairs and im greeted by pancakes "dad yay thanks" i eat my pancakes and jack walks in the room looking tired af "nice shirt" he says sleepily his eyes were red "god you look terrible" i say eyeing him up and down "well i cant say the same for you" he says walking to the fridge to grab a beer "right its time to go" dad says and i grab my mcr backpack that had all my school stuff in and we get in the car and set off
*10 mins later*
"Bye sweetheart i love you, oh and go to reception to ask for your time table" dad says "okay dad love you" i reply and walk into school "hi how may we help you?" The reception lady says "i need my timetable, im new" i reply "name, age and grade please" she says "Nicole Be- Way, im called Nicole Way and im 14 and in grade 9" i say, i forgot dad changed my last name to Way, god im dumb "here you go" she says passing me my timetable "if you need help around just ask people okay" she says and i nod and walk off "fucking huge" i whisper to myself "Hey! Im mia Biersack its really nice to meet you, omg i love your shirt, whats your name!?" A hyperactive girl asks from behind me i turn round and she was a bit smaller then me, brown emo hair, bvb shirt, bvb bag, sws jacket, bracelets...,converse and ripped black jeans "oh hey aha, im Nicole Way but call me Nic for short, also i love your clothes" i reply back smiling "wait... Way?" She asks confused "yeah..." I reply back rubbing the back of my neck "you must be a huge fan of mcr if you went far enough to change your last name to Way" she says laughing, im guessing she likes mcr then "uh yeah, you must be a huge fan of bvb to change your last name..." I say "totally..." Mia says "Mikey is so hot!" She screams "urm... Id rather you not say that" I say awkwardly "Gerard is also hot" she says laughing "omfg dont say he is hot!" I shout awkwardly "okay..." She says nervously, "yea... Moving on im going to my next lesson in 03 - ict" i say "omg same" she says and we go to our lesson
*at break*
"Well what do you want to do?" I ask my mew friend "idk" she says and we just stand next to the breakout for a while "sup mia, whos your friend?" a guy says from behind me and i turn to see a a guy with red hair like mine wearing a mcr shirt, black jeans, boots and bracelets. "Sup im Hunter Smith" he says shaking my hand "Nic Way" i reply "huge fan i see" he says and i sigh "yep i guess" im not telling anyone about my dad yet, they will think im some attention whore or a lying bitch "so are any of you in my science?, i have it next and i dont know where i am, its W9 with Mr Forest" i say "i have him next" hunter says proudly "i dont, i have miss Taylor" mia says frowning "we will meet you at dinner?" I say "yeah right here okay" mia says "hunter where is locker 367?" I ask and he smiles "unlucky/lucky girl, your next to me because mine is 366 but the unlucky part it is we are surrounded by a bunch of dicks" he says "mine is 370" mia says once again frowning "your close to us" hunter says taking me to my locker and we are surrounded by jocks and cheerleaders and they start to mumble and i put my stuff in my locker "are they talking about us?" I whisper to Hunter and he nods "they are starting to piss me off now" i whisper in a mean tone "dont think about hitting them, you already have the joy of being next to them and they can hit you any moment"he whispers back "fucking great" i sigh and then a jock finally decides to talk "sup new emo faggot!" He says and he pushes me to the ground and anther jock pushes Hunter to the ground "see they can batter you anytime" hunter says "well im not telling my dad about this, he will freak out and so will the lads" i say "you have brothers?" Hunter asks "nope, the rest of the ban- i mean yea one brother and an uncle and dads friend live with us" i say hoping he forgets i almost said band "whats your dads name...?" Hunter says suspiciously "urm... Gerard" i reply "... And your uncles name" he says more suspiciously "mikey..." I cant lie to him, he is my new friend and he needs to know so he wont fangirl if he ever comes to my house "yea you got me, gerard way is my father and i live with the band and no frank is not my brother but i class him as my big bro now stop asking questions" he sits there shocked "yeah... Now lemme help you up" i say helping him up "does Mia know?" He asks "nope so dont tell her, tell no one, ill tell her when she calms down on the fangirl because she called my dad hot earlier and i felt so awkward" i say laughing "yea okay lets go to lesson" Hunter says laughing and we go to lesson

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