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Dec 31,2015

I got in! Now I can make more friends! I had a huge smile on my face in the car.

Mom- "if you keep screaming were gonna get in a car accident."
Me- "I'm just so happy I get to be in a new and better school!"

29 minutes laterr.. (SpongeBob Voice)

We finally got home from the school. Daniel then started texting me, but not on the group chat, and I was surprised.
On Text:
Daniel- "Hey, I was gonna go for a walk. Do you wanna join me?"
Me- "Sure, just let me ask my mom."
Me- "Mom can I go for a walk with my friend Daniel."
Mom- "Yes, but only if you can take your sister."
Me- "Mom, but my fri-" she interrupted me saying
Mom- "Then your not allowed Audrey."
Me- "Ughhhhhhhhh. Finnnneeee"
Mom- "Audrey don't give me an attitude."
Daniel- "so is it a yes or no."
Me- "well, yeah. But my mom wants me to take my sister or I'm not going.😒"
Daniel- "oh, well she can come then."
Me- "u sure? I feel bad."
Daniel- "it's fine, is it ok if I come to ur house in 10mins?"
Me- "sure. see you then."
Daniel- "see ya."

I started getting out of my nice clothes and just put on some grey sweatpants, a black nike shirt, my orange running Nikes, and then I just threw my hair in a messy bun. I then woke Dawn up.

Me- "Dawn were going for a walk. Cmon"
Dawn- "Ok! Yay!"
Me- 😒

*door bell rings two times*
Dawn and I then run downstairs. I opened the door and smiled at Daniel while he smiled at me. Dawn then finished tying her shoes. She came up behind me, acting afraid of Daniel.

Dawn- "It's a boy!!" She screamed
Me- "yeahh. It's a boy 😂." I then whispered S-O-R-R-Y to Daniel."
Daniel- "It's ok 😂. " he said laughing.

We then started walking down the street. And Dawn was in her own little world singing a Ariel song😒. I was so embarrassed, I didn't know if I should tell her to stop. Or if I should tell her keep singing. Then after a few minutes we finally got to the park. Dawn ran to the play set, and Daniel and I just sat down. But when we sat down, our hands touched, his hand on top of mine. Then we looked at each other and I was blushing because I was so confused. Was that on purpose? I said in my head. He then grabbed my hand and we suddenly held hands. OMGMGGGG IM HOLDING A GUYS HAND!! I said in my head. I bit my lip smiling and scooted over on the seat until Daniel& my thigh touched. And we looked at each other for a while.

Daniel- "is this ok. Like holding your hand."
Me- "oh. Yeah, I just don't want my sister telling my mom about this."

* Daniel then let go of my hand *

Daniel- "ok then maybe later. Do you wanna get tog-"

Christopher interrupted us, he was even standing behind us. How long was he their for?! I said I buy head. He then came up to us and pushed Daniel away from me, and sat between us.

Christopher- "hey Audrey."
Me- "hey Christopher."
Daniel- "uh..hello"
Christopher- "hey Daniel."
Me- "sorry guys, i gtg take Dawn home. It's been 20mins."
Christopher- "oh, ok. See ya later."
Daniel- "ok bye."

I then walked up to the play ground trying to get Dawns attention because she was on a zip line thingy. I kept calling her name, and the next thing you know, she hit me in the head falling on me going down the zip line. I fell to the ground and as I was falling I could hear Christopher and Daniel running up to me.

Dawn- "Sissy. Are you ok?! I didn't see you their!!"
*audrey holds her head in pain.*
Audrey- "Its ok, I'll..ill be ok.."

My eyes were slowly closing, like I was about to sleep. I then fell beck on the ground and heard my sister screaming.


*audrey then faints and goes black out cold*

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