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Dec 31,2015

It was 10pm and I'm with my family parting for the new year. I then texted on the group chat saying "Happy New Years Guys😊" and Christopher and Daniel both responded the same things, then a few minutes later Daniel said on the group chat that he was having a House New Years party Inviting my family and I  over, so I told my family and they said that they would go. So I told Daniel that my family was coming. But Christopher couldn't come cause he said he could only be with his family for the night. After a few minutes, my mom, dad, sister, and I were getting dressed to go to the party. I got dressed in a simple white crop top, a black skater skirt, my white converse, I put my hair up in a bun as always, and to finish the look I put on some bronzer, mascara, and eyeliner. I was so pumped for the new year, hopefully it'll be better than this year. After a few minutes my whole family got done getting dressed, we got out some chips and salsa for the party. I then texted Daniel.
On Text:
Me- "hey Daniel, were on our way with chips& salsa."
Daniel- "ok awesome, ring the doorbell two times and I'll see you at the door."
Me- "ok"

We then got to Daniels house and I told Dawn to ring the doorbell two times. She did and then 10 seconds later Daniel opened the door welcoming all of us in with a big smile and he took the chips and salsa saying "thanks Audrey." and then he said "let me introduce you guys to my family." As we all walked to the kitchen, Dawn found Daniels puppy and started playing with it, and the rest of my family and I were hugging Daniels mom and dad as they said "welcome." Daniel then grabbed my hand and then said "let me take your jacket, it's not freezing in here." "Thanks." He took the jacket off my arms and then we went up to his room. "Is it ok if my sister is playing with your dog, Cam?" "Yeah." He said. I then saw trophies in a corner of his room that I didn't see before. "You play football?" He then looked back at me when he was setting up call of duty saying "Yeah, 3 years straight." "Awesome." We then played on his Xbox and 30minutes later, his mom called us downstairs cause it was 11:57. We both ran downstairs grabbing "adult" champagne and stood in front of the tv together. Dawn then screamed "the ball is gonna drop!!!! OMGGG" all of us laughed at Dawn with Daniels dog in her arms. It was a great party, Daniel then said "Our parents are getting along better then I expected. Lol" "Yea lol I see that. You have a really ni-" my mom interrupted me saying
"1 minute until the New Years kiss!" I was confused I've never heard of that before or I've never done it. I then gave Daniel a confused/happy face, he said "let's go outside! Hurry!" He took my hand and we both put our red solo cups on his kitchen table running outside to his backyard. There were so many fire works outside, and everyone was counting down from ten. Daniel then looked at me and I looked at him smiling, I knew he was going in for a kiss so I put my arms around him and then I heard Dawn scream 3! 2! 1! So I kissed Daniel and he smiled kissing me. I finally did it!! My first kiss!! Daniel then tripped and pulled me down with him with me falling on his chest. We both started laughing smiling at each other. We then sat on the ground watching fireworks, and Daniel put his arm around me. I leaned on his shoulder, it was like a dream. I just felt bad for Christopher, I hope his New Years party was going well with his family. I then kissed Daniels cheek and he smiled looking at me. "Ok fun times over." My dad said from their screen door inside. Daniel then got up pulling me up with his hand. We both walked inside and I told Dawn we have to go so she'd have to let go of the puppy. So she set her down and my mom and dad started to put their coats on. Daniel then came behind me putting my coat on. I then looked at him and his family saying "thanks for everything." They all then said no problem and we left. But I felt the urge to ask Daniel if we were dating. Maybe later.

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