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(Christopher's Pov.)
"She Never Told Me"
January 16,2016

Audrey,Daniel, and I are all getting ready to see the movie "the forest" and was so excited. I really just wanted to go because of Audrey...and maybe Daniel.
(Doorbell Rings)
I ran down the stairs in my black vans, a plain grey shirt, dark blue jeans, and my black glasses. As I opened the door, I smiled and saw Daniels shoulder around Audrey as she said

Audrey- "Hey, ready?!"
Me- "Oh. Um, yeah"

I looked at Daniel because he never told me😑...they were dating. I was angry in my mind about how Audrey didn't tell me that they were dating too. I even kissed her, but should I tell Daniel? I'll figure out something out soon.

20 minutes laterr.. (SpongeBob Voice)

We were now at the movies and I was in the restroom with Daniel while Audrey was outside. I looked at Daniel until he said "what" I lifted my eyebrows looking away saying "you didn't tell me" he then said "was I Supposed to?" I just rolled my eyes and said "just nvm" I walked out the door and gave a faded smile to Audrey. God she was beautiful..and I wish she knew that. As we watched the movie, I didn't even care about watching it anymore.

35 minutes laterr... (SpongeBob Voice)

Daniel had his arm around Audrey the whole time and I was sick of it. I finally got the strength to walk out and I heard Audrey calling my name as I left. When I opened the door seeing the light again, I started walking down the street. After a few seconds, I felt a hand turn me around. It was Audrey. She gave me a faded smile and said

Audrey- "the movie wasn't that good anyways. But why did you leave."
Me- "not sure"
Audrey- "Christopher. Come on, what's going on with you"
Me- "Audrey..I..I"
Audrey- "what is it"
Me- "I like you"

After a few minutes of silence I saw Daniel walking up to us, so I told Audrey "bye" and then I walked off. I felt, bad but she has Daniel. And now I don't even know if Daniel and I were friends anymore.

2 hours laterr... (SpongeBob Voice)

I texted Daniel, and asked him to come over and after a few seconds I heard a doorbell. I went downstairs grabbed Doritos and then opened the door. We played BlackOpps 3 for an hour and then we just talked about Audrey's mom. We both felt so bad. So I face timed her to see what she was doing, and when we connected her face was really pale, and he had a mark on her face. Christopher and I asked what was wrong, but she just said that she was crying and Dawn hit her in the face. But she was lying, something was wrong. We asked if she wanted to come over, but then her dad came in on her camera and started fussing at her. And then she ended the ft. We were so confused, her dad looked so angry. After a few minutes we just hoped Audrey was ok an sat on my bed looking out the window trying to see Audrey house. I saw their door open and Audrey looked like she was shoved out the door with Dawn in her hands. They then sat on the porch and Audrey kept touching her face, probably feeling her bruise. But what do we do?

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