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January 5,2016

I'm at my cold and abandoned house alone with Get Better flowers, and it just made me more empty on the inside seeing them. I wanted to run away so I put on my jacket and walked out the door and needed someone to go to. Daniel was gone for the day so I went to Christopher's. As I got to his porch 5 minutes later my nose was stuffy and my eyes were filled up with tears. Christopher opened the door and once we made eye contact I hugged him so hard and he made a "umh" sound. He smiled and let me into his house. I saw his mom and she suddenly got up once she saw me. She said she was sorry for everything that happened, which made me cry. Christopher and I then went upstairs and we sat on his couch talking

Me- "My house is cold and lonely with no one around. In school my life is just busy with homework and those girls/ snobs wanna be my friend that I don't have time for. And I just need someone to hug me."
Christopher- "Audrey. I'm here, anytime you need me."
(C then puts his arm around me and I layed on his shoulder)
Me- "I just feel as if I'm sinking. My life won't be the same without my mom."
Christopher- "I know what you going through your going through. And you'll survive just as I did."
I then nodded and closed my eyes while started holding onto his polo shirt.

Me- "thanks."

We just sat their for minutes and then I felt his hands wrap around my wraist and a kiss on my cheek. I then looked at him and we stared for a minute, and he kissed me. "What was I doing" I thought. I kissed him back and then removed his hands from my waist. He looked at me and said
Christopher- "Audrey. I know you might not wanna answer this question, but. Do you like me more than Daniel?"
(I looked at him)
Me- "I don't have time to answer that question right now Christopher."
Christopher- "But. Audrey."
Me- "Look, I'm sorry. I've gotta go."

He then looked took my arm stood up. As I looked back at him I kissed him to make him feel better. I then went downstairs and grabbed my coat, as I went out the door. After a few minutes I got back to my house and saw flowers sitting on the door steps. I grabbed them and started crying taking off my shoes. Daniel then started to ft me and I answered his phone call throwing away the flowers. We talked for an hour and then I saw my dad and Dawn come in and now I felt warmth once again.  I asked where they went, and they said how they were with mom and left me because I was sleeping. But my sister looked different...no spunky attitude and no smile. I asked her if she was ok, and she said

Dawn- "Mommy fell asleep and then went into surgery."

I looked at my dad and we were all now crying, my dads face told me something was wrong.

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