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It's January 3,2016
My life can't get any worse. I'm at home with my little sister crying, and my sister is in my arms crying so hard that she's screaming. After a while I settled her down and I heard a knock at my door. I was in my lazy outfit with runny mascara and I didn't know what to do, but I didn't care. As I answered the door, i saw Daniel carrying his puppy Cam. He then gave the dog to Dawn, and hugged me saying he was so sorry for everything that happened. As I let him in, I sat with him at our kitchen table and talked to him about what happened. The doorbell then rang again and picked it up, it was Christopher. He hugged me at the door and saw Daniel saying
Christopher- "Oh he's here."
Me- "Um, yeah. Is that a problem?"
Daniel- "We got into a fight yesterday."
Me- "Oh. Well Christopher did you wanna come insi-" (Christopher interrupted me)
Christopher- "Nope. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened. I hope she gets better and I'll text you later."
Me- "O..Ok then."
(Christopher then ran off)

I shut the door and looked at Daniel.

Me- "Daniel. What did you get into a fight about?"
Daniel- "Can we just go to your room to talk about this."
Me- "Alright."
(We then thumped up the stairs while Dawn and the dog were sleeping.)
Daniel then grabbed my hand and asked me
Daniel- "We got into...into a fight about you."
Me- "Me? But why?"
Daniel- "Because, we both like you Audrey."
Me- "I feel bad for Christopher, but to end this I guess I'll have to choose. And I like you Daniel."

Daniel then went in for a kiss, but I pranked him and kissed him on the cheek smiling. We then laid on my couch and smiled at each other playing around. I then heard someone come through the door, it was my dad! I got up and told Daniel that he needed to leave, but he couldn't be seen by my dad. So I opened my window and asked Daniel if he could jump down from my roof, because it wasn't too far down. He said yes and I heard my dad coming up the stairs, I then rushed Daniel out and I said "see ya later." After Daniel was gone, I grabbed a tissue and jumped into my bed acting like I was crying. My father walked in and said

Dad- "Honey, get up I need to tell you something."
Me- I get up and see his red tired looking eyes "Yeah...yeah I'm up dad. What happened to mom."
Dad- "Her feedback wasn't too good, and you can't tell Dawn."
Me- "Dad I won't. Please just tell me the feedback."
Dad- "Well, your mom has brain cancer Audrey."

I started to cry and I got up and fell onto my knees crying. My father held me on his lap in his arms. I then heard my father crying too, were so depressed now and I didn't know what to do to tell Dawn what was going on. As I let go of my dad asked me why their was a dog in the house. I whipped my tears and told him that my friend Daniel dropped his dog off for Dawn. He then said that was nice and said he was going to make dinner and bring it to mom at the hospital with us. I faked smiled at my dad and said ok. But I wasn't. When my dad walked out the door, I started balling and drowning in my own tears. What was my life becoming. I then texted the group chat and said
On Text:
Me- "My mom has Brain Cancer."
Christopher- "I'm so sorry, you can come to my house anytime if you need me."
Daniel- "I'm sorry Audrey. Stay strong and I'll see you and C at school tomorrow."

1 hour laterr... (SpongeBob Voice)

We got into the car and I got shotgun carrying the food on my lap while Dawn sat in the back with Cam. We then dropped Cam off, and went to the hospital. My dad opened the door for Dawn and I and we got inside the hospital soon getting to my moms room. I put my hand over my mouth crying as Dawn jumped onto her bed and hugged her. My dad then said for me to go say hi and I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. After we got settled,we all ate dinner together and we played rock, paper, scissors with our hands to do something fun and easy for my mom. A doctor then came in at 10:00 and he told us that we had to leave now because visiting was closed. I then looked at my mom and said that I loved her so much. Dawn did the same thing and my dad kissed her head and hugged her saying something in her ear making her laugh. I smiled as my eyes teared up. We then waved and then we got home 30 minutes later. I put Dawn to bed and then I got ready for bed saying goodnight to my dad. As I laid down in my bed I prayed for my mom and for God to heal her crying. What would happen to her I thought. What would I do without her...

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