What's the prognosis Doc!

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She woke up to the sweet nuzzle and wetkisses all over her torso.
He kissed her in Half sleep state and just woke up smiling when she said.
"Am I that delicious?"
"Well I wouldn't wanna comment on that." He smirked at her and kissed her all the way till her shoulder.
"Well..Doc u can lick me all you want. After I pee and come." And she smiled at him.
"Wow. Way to kill the mood Ms.Juliet..seriously.! Now u wanna leave!"
When she was about to step outta the couch. She found that her shirt was somewhere in the far end of the room and she stood there all blushing.
"Wow. I dinno you could even blush or be shy in front of me!"
"Well you are pretty intimidating"
She smirked back and pulled his shirt off.
She finished her business and roamed around his place.
Furnished rooms.
Vintage looking interior.
Sleek and very few pictures of him and his gang probably from back his college days.
His graduation pics.
His football team.
His band.
She sneaked into his bedroom.
It smelled like him. The very own of cologne of his own

She was about to touch one of his photo framed near nightstand..when she was startled by his scent..or more like his manhood touching her back.
"So I hear someone sneaking around"
He smirked at her.
"Well. Is that crime..after all we shared whole Lotta body fluids why not share these dorky high school pictures of yours with me.."
She laughed a bit even though his comment irritated her a teensy bit.
"Oh my..my my.. I really didn't say anything.. Ms.Smartmouth always makes one thing into an argument''
Before you say anything let's have some food I m starving.
If not for someones voracious mouth I wouldn't be so hungry you know"
"Yeah right. I know" She pulled him in her embrace.
"So" She said.
"What now'' she coyly smiled at him.
"No no no no..seriously not again."
"What..! Are you serious.. Are you for real..old man is tired now huh.. This why I should have gone to someone my age''
"What did u just say. Come here. Like really.. M old ah.. Let me show '' he growled at her in anger.
"Acha baba. I know u are the man. I was just pissing you off. Chill."
Before he could grab her..she ran through the apartment only to end up in his arms.
After a while. 
"So. What have you planned'' she asked  while licking off Nutella spread over his face.
"Plan about what pumpkin"
" Nah. I don't wanna sound silly. Just curious of where you planning to join if at all you are going because of us and for us" She dragged around as much as possible.
"Oh that plan!", Well if "Us" meaning you willing to take a leap for this relationship..Yeah sure why not''

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