Chapter 1

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Dear No One,

I'm confused. Ms.Webb said it was time to talk about Nolan. I have no idea who Nolan is, but that's all she talked about during our session today. She hasn't told me who he is though, and every time I ask she changes the subject. When I asked Anne about it she told me they just don't want to overwhelm me with everything. Well, what’s that supposed to mean?

I don't get what the big deal is about me and not remembering my childhood, I thought most kids forgot most of their childhood anyways so what’s the big deal about me. I’ve already been told I live in an orphanage, so I know I don’t have any parents. If I had siblings they would most likely be in this hell hole with me and I would know them, so having siblings is out of the question.

Lately Anne has been reading quotes to me from off the internet. She told me one a couple days ago and it’s been stuck with me since. It was something along the lines of everyone is here for a reason. If I’m here for a reason, what is it? I live in an orphanage, I have no family, I go to therapy, I rarely talk to anybody and everyone around me thinks I’m depressed. Maybe I’m supposed to be the one with the gloomy story of the world. The one everyone shows pity to but doesn’t seem to genuinely care for.

See… I have no reason to be here because I know that’s not it. There are people out there that I know have it worse than me. Also, I don’t think there is one individual in this world that was placed here to just get the biggest sob story of them all.

I think Anne is right… I overanalyze things too much. I also think Anne is right about another thing. Maybe some of us just haven’t found our reasons yet.

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