New Years Resolutions

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I've never taken my New Years resolutions seriously but I will actually try this time.


1) Exercise every day:
I want to exercise every day to be more toned and healthy. This is not mainly to lose weight, but losing weight would be good too.

2) Make New Friends:
I am not technically super social- especially in school and I want to work on that. I feel like I don't have any more friends so it will be good to find people who don't cause drama

3) Find Time For Myself:
I have been super stressed all of 2015 because I haven't been taking any time for my own happiness. I've been working hard with school and I want to continue that, and also find time to do what makes me happy (like drawing, editing, writing, etc.)

I don't want drama, sadness, loss, or wasted time this year. I just want to be happy

What are your New Years resolutions ???


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