Chapter 1: Causing Trouble

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Ethan wakes up and looks down at the younger male in his arms. He chuckles and pulls the younger male closer into him. "Good morning Spencer." He whispers in his ear.

"Mmm." Spencer moans and elbows Ethan in the chest.

"Ouch!" Ethan calls out. "That's not nice." He states.

"You woke me up." Spencer states. "So you deserved it." He adds.

"Oh haha." Ethan states sarcastically. "Come on grad we got trouble to stir." He states.

"Meh." Spencer refuses. "Not until tonight." He states.

"Oh come on." Ethan jumps on top of Spencer and pins him. "Its no fun by myself." He states.

Spencer chuckles and pushes Ethan off of him. "Get off." He orders.

"This is the problem with dating someone way younger than me." Ethan whines.

"I'm only 22 years old." Spencer argues.

"Yeah and I'm nearly thirty." Ethan argues back.

"Meh, we had fun last night. Let me sleep." Spencer goes back to sleep.


Hotch comes running out of his office. "Briefing room now." He orders. Everyone looks at each other confused. "Now!" He barks. Everyone rushes into the briefing room.

"What's going on baby girl?" Morgan asks Garcia.

"Quantico has a killer on the loose that we just now heard about." Garcia answer.

"How bad?" Elle asks.

"Fifth victim this week." Garcia answers.

"Shit." Elle mumbles as they walk into the room.

"Fifth victim came up, was found in an alleyway. "This week, this week and we didn't know anything about it." He continues. "This unsub has been here in Quantico this whole time and he hasn't been caught so I want us to investigate now!" He barks.

"Geez." Morgan mumbles under his breath.

They all head out to the sight. The body lays there in a mess, beaten, and cut up. "Someone did a over kill." Morgan states.

"Yeah, either in self defence or pure pleasure." Elle replies.

"Maybe both." Gideon suggests as he walks pass the two.

"Maybe he should go and adopt some kid. It might put him in a better mood." Morgan whispers.

"Or he will be distracted by the kid." Hotch states and pushes Morgan and Elle back towards the body. "Get to work." He orders.

Ethan manages to get Spencer out of the bed. "Come on, if we hurry now we can get our spot at the dinner for breakfast." He states as he take Spencer by the hand and pulls Spencer out the door.

When they walk out of the apartment they notice the FBI vehicles. "Hmm, someone dead?" Spencer asks.

"Most likely." Ethan answers. "Come on." He tries to drag Spencer, who slips away to go see the body. "Spencer!" Ethan calls out and follows him, trying to stop him.

Spencer ignored Ethan and slips through people, getting a good look at the scene.

Morgan turns to the crowd as he notice a whole tone trying to look. "We need to get this crowd under control." He states.

"I got it." Gideon states as he heads to the other officers. "We need to control this crowd." He states to one officer.

"Right sir." The officer turns to the crowd.

"Okay everyone back up. Back up!" Gideon orders.

"How was that guy murdered?" A voice asks, he turns to see a young man, Spencer.

"That can't be shared at this moment." Gideon states.

"Looks to me like he was brutelly beaten. Maybe even over killed." Spencer states.

"Like I said that can't be shared." Gideon growls.

"Looks like he was dead for approximately 13 hours." Spencer continues.

"Excuse me?" Gideon asks.

"Spencer!" Ethan appears and wraps his arms around Spencer. "Come on let's go." He tries to pull him away.

"And those cuts from what I see from here, sharp object, but not a knife." Spencer states.

"What's your name young man?" Gideon asks as he walks up to him.

"Spencer shut up and let's go." Ethan orders. Spencer grins at Gideon.

"Have a good day." Spencer replies and then disapears into the crowd with Ethan.

"Hey! Wait!" Gideon calls out, but loses them.

Morgan turns and notices this. "What's going on?" He asks.

"Some kid." Gideon answers. "He was asking about the body and started to go on about possibilities." He explains. "I tried to get his name but this other guy came and dragged him off."

"You didnt get his name?" Morgan asks.

"Spencer, that's all I got." Gideon answers.

"Hmm." They go back to investigating the crime scene.

"That Spencer kid was right." Gideon states.

"What kid?" Hotch asks.

"Kid from the crowd." Gideon answers.

"What did this kid say?" Hotch asks.

"These cuts weren't made from a knife. But from another sharp object." Gideon explains.

"Like this?" Elle asks as she points to a broken glass bottle that has blood on it.

Ethan and Spencer walk into the diner and sit themselves. "Spencer what the fuck were you thinking?" Ethan starts up.

"I was curious." Spencer states, boredly.

"Okay for stuff like that, that would make them think we were their suspects." Ethan starts to look around incase those agents followed them.

"It doesn't matter. They can't pin us for it. Because if they start to think we did it, I can have us off our trial in a snap." Spencer explains.

Ethan sighs. "That's right, you graduated college as a teenager and took all those required criminal and blah blah blah classes." Spencer looks to him, totally bored of the subject. "You could be doing good in this world with that knowledge and brain of yours, but instead you and I cause trouble like no tomorrow. But I am not going to be followed by agents who think we murdered people." He explains.

"Ethan, stop." Spencer yawns. "You are boring me to death." He states. "Besides, you are the one who asked me to be your boyfriend and your partner in all the trouble you make."

"Spencer." Ethan stops him with a quick kiss. "It's fun either way."

Elle bags the broken glass bottle. "Looks like it's a beer bottle." She states.

"So he came from the bar?" Morgan asks.

"Not alone." Gideon states. He pulls out a note. "Meet me in the alleyway by the apartments a block away." He reads it aloud.

"So he was meeting someone here?" Elle asks, confused.

"Questions are who and did he meet the unsub?" Hotch states.

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