Chapter 6: The Real Unsub

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Garcia comes running into the room Morgan is in. "Morgan?" He looks up at her. "Are you okay?" She asks. He sighs and shakes his head. 

"Baby girl, I wanted to believe the kid was innocent." He states. He looks at the window and sees the kid, he's waiting at the table, scratching his arm again. 

"Why is he doing that?" Garcia asks, reffering to the scratching. 

"Dilaudid." Morgan answers. Garcia gasps and looks to the younger male.

"Oh that poor boy." She mumbles. 

"This kid has so much potiental, and he throws it all away for this Ethan guy." Morgan states. 

"I thought we thought he was the unsub?" Garcia asks. 

"No, all Reid tried to take from me was my wallet." Morgan answers. "He's just a thief. Not a murderer." 

"Then his boyfriend is and he was using Reid as bait." Garcia states, in a sad tone. "I wonder if he knew about it all along." 

"I need to talk to him." Morgan states. That's when Gideon walks in and takes a seat infront of Reid. 

"Where's Ethan?" Reid asks.

"Ethan is being questioned in another room." Gideon answers and looks at the kid. "Do you remember me?" He asks.

"Yeah." Reid answers. "You spoke at the college I went to. Gave a seminar and lecture about profiling." he explains. 

"Yes and I remember you being all interested in it that you even stayed after class to ask me questions." Gideon states. Reid nods at this and looks up at Gideon with scared eyes. 

"How much trouble am I in?" Reid asks.

"Depends on what we find out." Gideon answers. "Remind me, was the boy that came in and interrupted our private tutoring the one named Ethan?" He asks.

"Yes." Reid answers.

"And you two are still dating?" Gideon asks aswell.

"Yeah." Reid answers. 

"Impressive." Gideon says in pure honesty. "Tell me kid, did you speak with these victims?" He asks as he places the pictures on the table. Reid looks at them then he nods. 

"I did." Reid answers. 

"And did you leave these men with notes telling them where to meet you?" Gideon asks and looks at the kid, noticing the scratching. 

"Yeah I did." Reid answers. "But I didn't kill them." He states. "I admit I just stole their wallets and whatever cash they had left." he explains. 

"So you are a thief?" Gideon asks, sounding confused.

"Yes." Reid answers. "I steal from others because of the fact that Ethan and I have little money and so those who buy me the expensive things at the bar become my target." He explains.

"What with the scratching?" Gideon points to Reids arm. 

"I uh...Ethan and I..." Reid tries to find the right words for this.

"Morgan tells me you use diluadid." Gideon states and places the vile on the table. Reid says nothing, meaning he is guilty of that. "Kid, he also tells me that you were being abused by this Ethan guy of yours." He adds. "Is this true?" He asks. Reid says nothing to this question as well. "Kid, you will be sent to prison for as long as murderers are put away for, if you don't talk to me." 

"I told you I didn't murder them." Reid states rather bored of the conversation. 

"It wont matter once we pin you or Ethan to the murders. but you need to talk to me." Gideon states.

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