Chapter 7: A Turn Around

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It's been two months since that whole incident and the team has actually warmed up to the idea of letting Reid slide with the thieft.

Morgan had found the confidence to ask Reid to be his boyfriend, which Reid gladly agreed.

Reid is now taking the course to become a profiler. He has become a big part of the team, like a younger brother to them all, to Gideon like a son.

Reid hasn't completely healed from what has happened, Morgan and the team knows this, and they don't try to pressure him. He feels like the team is the family he has been looking for since he left Las Vegas with Ethan.

"Hey baby boy." Garcia greets Reid as he arrives with Morgan for his simulation course training with Morgan.

"Hey Garcia." He smiles back to her.

"Forgetting something?" She asks. He looks to her confused. Then she pats her cheek.

"Oh yes." Reid remembers and gives her a quick peck on the cheek.

"There we go." She smiles and pats him on the cheek. "Good boy." She states. Reid laughs and is then greeted by Gideon.

"Good morning, kiddo." Gideon greets and ruffles Reids hair.

"Morning." Reid greets back and fixes his hair.

"Morgan taking you out to the simulation course?" Gideon asks.

"Yup, got to beat Morgan's score." Reid states with a chuckle.

"What happens if you dont?" Garcia asks.

"He chooses what we do on out date." Reid answers and turns to Morgan.

"And what if you do?" Morgan asks.

"You take me out to diner and get us the most expensive and finest wine they ahve." Reid answers.

"You are on." Morgan chuckles.

"Prepare to be beat." Reid challenges.

"You little-" Morgan then chases Reid around the office, laughing. Garcia, Elle, JJ, and Gideon watch, while laughing.

Morgan finally catches Reid and traps him in his arms, wrapping them around Reids Torso. "One for me." Morgan whispers in Reids ear. "So you know what that means." Reid laughs at that, luckily no one heard it.

Hotch comes out of his office and sees this. He smiles and slightly chuckles. "Hey let's keep that in the bedroom."

Morgan looks up in horror as he hears Hotch say that. Reid just bursts out laughing at that.

Things have turned out alright for the trouble maker, Spencer Reid. And Morgan finally found someone he wanted a serious relationship with, granted he can't gaurntee that he will be the perfect boyfriend, but he will be better than Ethan ever was.

"I love you, my Pretty Bad Boy." Morgan whispers into Reids ear then kisses him.

"And I love you." Reid whispers back.

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