Chapter 3: Getting To Know The Kid

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Morgan arrives at the bar early. But not earlier than their suspected unsub.

He notices the kid and watches him as he sits at the bar alone. He looks nervous and figits a bit. Morgan sighs, takes a swig of his beer and walks over to introduce himself. "Hey there." He greets. The kid jumps a bit and looks at the guy who spooked him.

"Hi." He quickly smiles and goes back to looking around.

"You waiting for someone?" Morgan asks.

"Uh yeah." The kid answers.

"Well would you like some company while you wait?" Morgan asks. The young man thinks about it for a minute then nods.

"Yeah sure." He says and gestures to the seat next to him.

"Im Brandon Berlin." Morgan introduces himself.

"Berlin?" The kid asks, earning a nod. "Like Gemany Berlin?"

Morgan laughs and shakes his head. "No I'm not german." He states.

"Oh." The kid replies. "Well I'm Spencer Reid." He states.

"Mind if I call you Reid?" Morgan asks.

"I dont mind." Reid states.

"You okay kid?" Morgan asks, observing his uncomfortable figiting.

"Yeah." Reid answers.

"You sure? You are figiting." Morgan points out.

Reid stops his figiting and clears his throat. "I'm not exactly comfortable talking to people." He explains.

"Oh socially awkward?" Morgan asks.

" did you know?" Reid asks and leans forward, in curiousity.

"Your figiting is a sign of anxiety. the way you can't look me in the eyes when talking to me is a sign of shyness. Oh and the way your body is saying one thing and your mind is telling you more." Morgan explains.

"You a profiler?" Reid asks.

"Me? No." Morgan lies. "I'm a remodeler of houses and apartments."

"Really?" Reid asks.

"Yep." Morgan responds. Morgan starts to notice how comfortable he is becoming. "So this someone you are waiting for, he your boyfriend?"

"Um..." Reids body language changes from comfortable back to uncomfortable. "Yeah..." he looks back at the door and then at his watch. "He's two hours always." He says.

"How old is he?" Morgan asks.

"He's 30." Reid answers.

"Wow, a kid like you dating someone like that?" Morgan asks.

"I tend to fall for the older guys." Reid explains.

"How old are you anyways?" Morgan asks.

"Twenty-two." He answers.

"Well then, may I buy you a drink?" Morgan asks.

Reid looks around the bar again, looks to Morgan with a smile, and shakes his head. "I dont drink." He answers.

"Come on, not even wine?" Morgan asks.

"Okay wine, but only wine." Reid laughs.

"See, you partly drink." Morgan laughs. "Bar tender, a bottle of your best wine." He orders. Reid gives a shy smile.

An hour later Reid and Morgan are basically in their own little world. "You know what kid, I like you." Morgan states.

"Yeah?" Reid asks.

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