Chapter 5: Truth Slips Out

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The next morning, Morgan decides to screw it and go see Reid again, too check on him.

When he gets there he knocks three times. No one answers so he knocks three more times. The door opens and there stands Reid. "Hey Brandon." He greets.

"Hey." Morgan greets back. "Ethan here?" He asks.

Reid shakes his head. "No, he's at work."

"Good I need to talk to you about something." Morgan states. "May I come in?" He asks. Reid nods and moves to the side, allowing Morgan in.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Reid asks as he sits down, on the couch.

Morgan takes a seat on the coffee table infront of Reid, resting his elbows on his knees, leaning forward, and looking right at Reid.

"Reid, I noticed last night that Ethan was a bit aggressive." He starts.

"Ethan gets like that when he's intoxicated." Reid states, looking to the window, bored.

"Does he get abusive?" Morgan asks. Reid doesn't answer, which gives enough For Morgan to know Ethan does. "Reid." Morgan is lost For words. "You can't be in a relationship that is threatening to you." He states.

"I honestly don't need your opinion." Reid states. "You don't know Ethan like I do."

"Kid, did he hit you last night?" Morgan asks. Reid says nothing, again. "Why do you do This to yourself?" He asks.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Reid states. He stands up and tries to walk to the door. "I think its time For you to-" he is stopped by a sudden hand grabbing, firmly, but gently, his wrist.

"Reid, hear me out." Morgan pleads. Reid thinks about This For a minute and then sits back down. "You are a smart, beautiful boy." Morgan states. "You don't deserve to be treated like This." Reid says nothing, but looks at Morgan in a bored way. "Infact, I don't think you have a criminal record like you said. I think its all Ethan and you bail him out." He states.

"What makes you say that?" Reid asks, not really caring For the answer.

"Your figiting." Morgan points out. Reid notices and stops right away.

"Proves nothing." Reid argues.

"Proves everything Reid." Morgan argues back.

"Look, Brandon, you don't even know me that long. Why does it matter to you what Ethan and I do?" Reid asks, partly annoyed.

That's a shot through Morgan's head, those words reminding him he is undercover and can't blow it. He also starts to realize his feelings for the kid. Everything the kid did makes his heart skip a beat. Everytime the kid looked, talked, or even smiled his heart soars.

Morgan looks up at Reid and sees the 'I'm waiting' look. So he thinks on his feet, not wanting to blow his cover or wanting Reid to know his new found feelings fir the kid.

"I care because the moment I met you at that bar, talked with you yesterday, I felt that you were special. I felt that you had a chance to make a difference around here. A chance that you can also make it into Profiling. But being in this kind of relationship will ruin your chances." Morgan explains.

Reid nods, looks away, and sits back down on the couch. "Look, Brandon." Reid starts. "I am nothing special, okay?" He leans forward and sits like Morgan is, elbows on the knees and leaning forward. "I may have graduated from high school at age 12. I may have an eidetic memory, meaning that I can remember an exceedingly large amount of information with extraordinary detail. I may have an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute. I may hold a B.A.s in Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy, a Ph.D. in Chemistry and Engineering as well as a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Caltech. Having those I have three BAs and three PhDs, and specializes in statistics and geographic profiling. I may have gone to Cal Tech, with Yale as my safety school, at thirteen. I may have graduated from MIT. But this is my life now. I'm to far in to do anything else." He explains.

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