Chapter 4: Two Sides to Ethan

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"Its obviously the kid." Elle states as soon as Morgan is off the line.

"Because there is no body?" Gideon asks.

"Exactly." Elle states.

"Well give Morgan more time. We need to figure out his partner aswell." Gideon insists.

Elle shuts her mouth and storms out of the room.

Reid arrives at home that night and is met by Ethan, who has drank three bottles of scotch. "Where have you been?" He asks in a slur.

"Calm down. I was with Brandon, learning more about him." Reid answers. He turns his back to places his camera on the counter and when he turns back around he gives a slight yelp, in shock.

"What were you two doing?" Ethan asks.

"I just said, I was learning more about the target." Reid answers.

"Well I'm bored. I wanna cause some trouble." Ethan states.

"We need to keep a low profile." Reid insists. "FBI agents are out looking for potential suspects and if we cause trouble, we will be put on that list...if we haven't been already." He states.

"Then I want to start with you." Ethan mumbles. "My property." He growls and grabs Reid by the shirt.

"Ethan, you're intoxicated, and not thinking straight." Reid states.

"I'm thinking just fine." Ethan growls as he goes for Reids throat, kissing and nipping it.

"Ethan stop." Reid orders and shoves him off.

"What now you are to good for me?" Ethan asks, annoyed.

"No." Reid answers. "I'm just saying that you need to sober up." He states. Ethan glares at Reid. He then swings his arm so fast that Reid didn't see it coming. He only felt the sting of a slap, and the force of the hit that sends him to the floor.

"Get up." Ethan orders and pulls him up by the hair.

"Ethan, you are hurting me." Reid states as he tries not gasp in pain. Ethan lets go and lets Reid fall to the floor. But soon after grabs him by the arm and drags him into the bedroom, throwing him onto the bed. "Ethan stop." Reid tries to order but it falls upon deaf ears. Ethan crawls on top of Reid, straddling him, and pinning his arms above his head.

"Do I scare you?" Ethan asks in a wanting growl.

"No." Reid answers in a complete confident tone, no fear in it at all.

"Because you know you belong to me." Ethan whispers into Reids ear.

Theres a knock on the door, causing Ethan to stop, and look up. "Hey Reid you in there?" Ethan growls at the familiar voice. He let's Reid up and shoves him to the door.

"Tell him to go away." Ethan orders.

Reid opens the door and there Morgan stands. "Hey Brandon." Reid greets.

"Hey, you forgot this at my place." Morgan states as he hands him his wallet.

"Oh hey, look at that." Reid chuckles and takes the wallet, wondered where that went."

"Everything okay?" Morgan asks, noticing the red mark on Reids face.

"Yeah." Reid answer. "Look now isn't a good time to be here." He states. "I'm kind of busy." He states, keeping his cool.

Morgan looks at him curiously. "You sure you are okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Reid responds.

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