Chapter 1

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I have been having these dreams lately for the past 6 weeks. Every single dream that I have, it is the same exact horse in it. She is a beautiful old raggedy gray color, with long whitish mane. I have never seen a horse quite like her. Well back to my usual and boring life. Middle school. Yes I'm an 8th grader and I do not like school. I quickly get dressed and go into the kitchen.

"Good morning miss prissy pants." Mom says as she eats her toast.

"Good morning." I say rubbing my eyes, grabbing my backpack.

"Wait. Aren't you gonna eat breakfast?" She asks.

"No I'm not hungry."

"Well ok. Have fun at school." She smiles.

"You know I will." I say sarcastically.

I go outside and stand at the end of my driveway to wait for the bus. I always dread getting on the bus because of Anna Collins. She is a big bully. She always picks on my because I'm small and she jus likes to pick on people. She likes to give people bloody noses for no reason at all. Anna sits in the very back of the bus, so I sit in the front with the little kids. Yeah it's kind of embarrassing but it keeps me safe. What I don't understand is why the bus driver doesn't do anything about her.

The bus is finally here. I get on and sit in the front seat. Our next stop is to get a little boy that has never rode the bus before. And what do you know. He sits right next to me. The bus takes off and I can see out of the corner if my eye that he is staring at me. I turn around to look at him. I give him a look that is pretty much saying to stop staring at me!!

"Hi I'm Jordan. I'm 10." He says.

"Um hi I'm Riley. I'm 14." I reply.

"Hi Riley. I don't have any friends here because I don't know anyone. Do you want to be my friend?" He asks.

"Sure." I chuckle.

"Thanks!" He smiles widely.

I nod my head and then turn back around to look out the window. Bus rides are boring so I just watch all of the trees and see the horses grazing in fields.

"Are the teachers mean in elementary school?" Jordan asks.

"No they aren't that bad." I snicker.

"Wow that horse is pretty." Jordan points outside of my window.

I turn around and I couldn't believe it!


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