Chapter 4

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"Can I get out of this place please?" I ask my mom.

"Yes the doctor said you can today." She says.

I stand up and put my clothes on and leave. I'm anxious to see how the horse is. We get in the car and go home.

"I can't wait to see her." I smile.

"Who?" Mom asks.

"The horse." I say.

"What the hell were you doing riding that stupid horse anyways? That horse could have been wild." She shakes her head.

"She is wild, but the way we rode, it was like we were flying and we didn't notice anything around us. She was in my dream. I know she was." I say.

"Don't ever do that again." She hisses.

"Fine." I lie.


We get home and I go out to the barn. I have to go kind of slow because I hit my head and it hurts to move fast. When I get to the barn, there she is lying down. My dad is in the house.

"Hey. You were great today." I smile am say in a baby voice.

I go into the stall and sit down next to her. I kiss her on her long face and lie down next to her. She brightens up when I pet her.

"Hold on pretty girl." I whisper, getting up to get a bucket.

I go to a shelf and get a bucket full of vegetables down. I grab a two carrots, and a celery stick. I walk back over to the stall and feed the carrots and celery stick to her. I go back over to get another carrot because she seems to like the carrots better. I get into the stall and she eats the carrot out of my hand.

"You know you're gonna make her fat." A man voice laughs behind me.

I turn around to see my dad standing there smiling.

"Dad." I walk to him and give him a hug.

"Well you seem to be ok." He says.

"I am, but I broke my left arm, so I can't write for a while." I sigh.

"You don't seem to thrilled about that. I thought you don't like writing at school." Dad says.

"There's a project at school in reading class where you write about the greatest experience you've ever had and I was wanting to write it." I say.

"Well would your teacher let me write it for you while you tell me what to write?" He asks.

"I'll see tomorrow." I say.

"Nope you're not going to school tomorrow. You need rest." He pats my back.

"This horse needs a name." I say.

"How about FeFe?" Dad jokes.

"No I want it to suit her for real." I say.

"Well I have no clue." He says.

"I know the perfect name for her. It should be Dreamer." I smile.

"That is a good name." He grins.

"Is she gonna be able to walk again?" I ask.

"I don't know. I hope so. We don't have enough money to call a doctor." He sighs.

"I could throw in my allowance that I saved up." I offer.

"How much is that?" He asks.


"That would be enough." He laughs.

"Okay good." I smile.


*Next Day*

Last night Doctor Barker came and look at Dreamer. He said she could walk again but it would take time for her to heal. We have to hook her up to this big thing that hangs from the ceiling. Her feet won't touch the ground but it makes her leg heal. I think that the worst pain to me when we fell wasn't when I broke my arm or hit my head. It's the fact that I didn't know what happened to Dreamer. I could already tell that Dreamer and I are best friends. When she is healed I'm going to run her again. I have to run her. I feel like I have to.

As weeks pass, Dreamer and I heal together. We also grow together. My mom and dad make me sleep in my bed every night, by when they go to sleep, I sneak out to the barn and sleep in the stall with Dreamer. She's a good horse and smart too. She can stand now but I don't know about running. I hope soon that she can run. I set a new goal. The goal is to race her in the Kentucky Derby. Yeah I know it's a big step, and they wouldn't let a 14 year old race in it, but I want Dreamer to live her moment.

Austin has been helping me with her. We give her baths with the water hoes, brush her, clean her hooves, and brush her teeth. Yeah brushing her teeth wasn't a good idea, she almost ate the tooth brush. She also almost bit off Austin's finger. Unfortunately the cat hates Dreamer. Our cat, Sunshine, almost gets spooked when Dreamer neighs. We always laugh when Dreamer starts moving around real fast and Sunshine takes off running like lightning. I can now call Dreamer my best friend.


At least 3 votes and I'll update!!! So if you want me to update you better start sharing the story!!! Please comment!!! Hope you like it! Love you all,


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