Chapter 6

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"Is he ok?" I ask the doctor.

"Well I'm not sure if he told you but he has a heart disease. He had an attack because of that. He's ok right now, but he will have these attacks later on." The doctor says.

"He didn't tell me about a heart disease. I can't believe he didn't tell me. Do we have to bring him here for the attacks?" I ask.

"No. You just need to keep him in bed. He passed out because he's never had this happen before. I think he was just scared. We are still waiting to find him another heart. We aren't allowed to have any shipped in from other countries unfortunately. I think he will be fine." The doctor informs.

"I hope so. He's my best friend." I sigh.

"You can go in his room and see him now if you want. It's room 16A." He says.


Mom, Dad, and I walk down the hall to his room.

"We'll wait out here so you can have time alone with him." Dad says.

I nod my head and go inside. I see him laying in the hospital bed asleep with oxygen tubes in his nose. I sit at the end of the bed and hold onto his hand.

"Austin." I whisper.

He twitched a little and then opens his eyes.

"Riley!" He moans.

"I'm so glad you're ok. Why didn't you tell me you had a heart disease?" I ask.

"I didn't want you to worry or forget about me." He sighs.

"Austin I would never forget about you. I wouldn't worry if you didn't want me to. I just wish you would have told me." I say.

"I'm sorry. Can I get out of this smelly place?" He asks.

"Why do you call it smelly?" I ask.

"There's an old woman in the next room and she poops all over the place. Ugh I can smell it in here." He gags.

"I'll get a nurse to see if you can leave." I laugh.

I walk out of the room to find a nurse.

"When can my friend Austin leave the hospital?" I ask.

"What's his last name?" She asks.


She looks at we clipboard and scans the list.

"Oh he can leave whenever he wants. Are you his girlfriend?" She asks.

"Ummm yes." I lie.

"Oh ok. You'll have to give me your address and we will mail the bill to you." She says.


I give her Austin's address and she writes it down. I go back into Austin's room.

"You can leave whenever you want." I tell him.

"Good how about now?" He asks.

"It seems like you're back to the old Austin." I laugh.


We take Austin to our house.

"Here you can wear this to bed, an ill get you some basketball shorts." I say, as I hand him a big white t shirt.

"Thanks. You know you don't have to do this." He says.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. You're my best friend and you deserve better." I smile.

I open my drawers and get a pair of black basketball shorts out. I'm kind of a tomboy, I wear a lot of boy clothes. I hand the shorts to Austin and he goes into the bathroom to change. I walk into the kitchen where mom and dad is.

"Where is Austin going to sleep?" I ask.

"Well he can't sleep on the couch tonight." Dad sighs.

"Why?" I ask.

"Jesse is coming back." Mom says, then a big silence hits the room.


Sorry for updating so late. I know this is a short chapter but I've had writers block so.... Please vote and comment!!

Love you all,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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