The Party

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》Sakuya and Mahiru《
Human AU

Sakuya really didn't want to be here.

He had been dragged to the party by Mahiru, but the brunet had left only minutes after they arrived.
Now he was stuck here with tons of people he didn't know and definitely didn't want to know.

He held the plastic cup with some kind of drink which he had been given at the front door in a death grip. It was the only thing that kept him from leaving immediately, like an anchor, it made him stay at one spot.
He was glad that he had it though, something to hold onto that made him feel a little less uncomfortable. He was sure that if he let the cup go he'd be running outside in a matter of seconds.

Honestly that was what he wanted to do. The music that blared from the cheap speakers was awful and at least five times too loud for any sober person to be enjoyable.
Maybe that was the point. Sakuya was positive that every single one at this party had to be highly intoxicated - or on drugs.
He let out a heavy sigh as he observed the dancing people in the room. The green haired boy himself was standing in the far corner of the room, where only a few people stood who luckily paid him no attention at all.

Sakuya unconsciously took a sip from his cup and made a disgusted face.
He had no clue what kind of drink it was, but it tasted horrible.
The room was hot and humid and the boy just couldn't stand it anymore. He placed his cup on one of the tables that lined the walls and made his way towards the door.
The task proved to be more than difficult since the way was blocked by lots of dancing, sweating people that bumped against Sakuya almost constantly.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally left the dancing mass and found himself in the corridor that lead to the front door. He was tempted to just leave, but the moment passed and he was still standing in that corridor, people rushing past him into various directions.
Sakuya let out another heavy sigh - the fifth since his arrival at the party. He really didn't want to be at this house with all these drunk strangers, but he couldn't leave without Mahiru.

Or rather, he couldn't leave without telling Mahiru that he would.
His friend had been so eager to go to this particular party that Sakuya didn't think he would leave now.
And if he left without telling the brunet, Mahiru would either be angry or worried out of his mind.
So Sakuya had to find him. Searching also gave him something to do which made still being at the party less awkard for him.
He just hoped that Mahiru hadn't gone into the dancing room by now. The green haired boy absolutely did not want to go back there.

He went into the kitchen first. It was as good as any other room he could have gone in first. Mahiru could literally be anywhere in the house.
The rather spacious kitchen was filled with heavily intoxicated people that for some reason thought that having another drink would be a good idea.
Most of them weren't even able to walk straight, but that didn't stop the at least five couples from starting to make out right there in the kitchen.
With a quick glance Sakuya could say that Mahiru definitely wasn't in that room and he was glad to get out of there fast.
Watching couples do their "thing" was awkward to say the least.

Sakuya continued his search in all the other rooms of the house, seeing a lot of things that he wished he hadn't, before he finally stopped in front of the last room he hadn't searched yet.
It seemed to be even more crowded than when he left and a wave of nausea overcame him at the thought of going back inside.
After a few minutes of silent fighting inside the boy's head, he decided to go inside the room again.
For Mahiru, he told himself.

The second he entered the room, the music was back in full force.
Sakuya could feel the beat vibrating in his chest which just wasn't supposed to happen. He could feel a headache approaching and the eardrum shattering music wasn't helping much.
He pressed himself against the nearest wall, avoiding all contact with anyone in the room. He let his gaze wander over every face in the room, but couldn't spot his friend anywhere.
The teen actually started to worry now.

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