Room for Light

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》Kuro and Mahiru《
(Kind of) Requested by Yaoi_Forever_

"Kuro? Are you okay?"

Those are the words that make Kuro's head snap up, make him look around frantically before focusing on Mahiru who's kneeling on front of him. He can't really remember where he is, what happened and why Mahiru is looking at him like that.
Clearly concerned, pained.
Worried about him.

He breaks eye contact to look around, only barely able to see in the dark, but he still recognises this as Mahiru bedroom. He's on top of Mahiru's bed, cowering in the corner, his knees drawn up to his chest, breathing heavily.

What happened?

There's a sudden touch against his arm and Kuro flinches, panic spreading throughout his body, making his heart beat painfully hard against his chest, before he remembers Mahiru in front of him, recognises Mahiru's hand.

It's okay, it's just Mahiru.

Mahiru, who is now looking at him even more worried, his eyes slightly widened at seeing Kuro's reaction.
His hand is still extended towards him.

Kuro wants to say something, to apologize although he doesn't even really know what for, just feels like he needs to, when suddenly his whole body goes stiff and a memory comes back to him.

He remembers hearing the voices in his dream.

The voices that he thought he had under control, locked up in the lowest part of his consciousness.

The voices that blame him for everything.

And he remembers the shadows.

Chasing him, clawing at him and finally grabbing him and dragging him down into the darkness.

Deeper and deeper and deeper until there's nothing, only himself, alone.

He can't move, can't see, can't make a sound, can't do anything. Just exist in that terrifying darkness.

And just when he thought he was going to go crazy the voices came back.

Screaming, yelling, blaming him.


"You killed them!"

"It's your fault!"

"We hate you - everyone does!"

"Your fault!"

And he can't move, can't cover his ears to block them out, he can't -

It's Mahiru shaking him lightly that brings him back, body trembling and eyes blown wide in terror.
He notices that Mahiru is saying something and he closes his eyes and tries his best to block out the memory and just focus on Mahiru's voice, just focus on the feeling of Mahiru next to him.

"-going on? What is happening, Kuro? Are you alright? Please tell me what's happening!"

There's a urgency in Mahiru's voice that makes Kuro open his eyes again and look at him, look at his face that is the definition of worry and alarm, his eyes locked onto him with something hiding inside of them that seems akin to despair.

Kuro doesn't say anything and just stares at Mahiru, which makes his Eve lean forward, slowly extending his hand towards him again, trying not to startle him again.
Mahiru cups his face with his hand, gentle, before asking Kuro again, this time sounding so utterly worried, almost scared.

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