Can I Get Your Number?

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》Tsubaki and Kuro《
Human/Cafè AU
Requested by Turtlechelys

Kuro didn't like working as a waiter. He also didn't like working in general, but with how society functioned he knew he wouldn't get far with that kind of attitude.
So he supposed that working as a waiter was better than nothing and ending up without money.
That's what he thought when he took on the job.

It was probably true, but working at a café to bring people their orders really wasn't the work he was cut out for. He always had to be nice and smile at the customers and now, after several months of working there, he felt the exhaustion of holding up the fake smile for hours every day.

He felt like going back to bed and just sleep for the rest of the day, but he knew he couldn't do that. The café didn't have enough staff to cover for him.
So Kuro just tried to be as friendly as possible and smile whenever he managed to, but he knew that he wasn't very convincing.

He let out a sigh when he glanced at the clock and noticed that he still had to work for one hour before he was able to go home. Kuro already knew that he would be counting the minutes.

At least it was relatively calm at the moment. There weren't a lot of people in the café and the few that were had already been served the things they had ordered. He was just about sit down and take a short break when he heard the jingling of the doorbells, indicating that another costumer had entered. He put on his best smile, which in reality was nothing more than a slight upward curve of his mouth, and made his way over to the customer who had sat down at a table in front of the window.
He stopped at the table and took out a menu card.

"Do you already know what you want to order or should I come back in a few minutes?"

Kuro felt the eyes of the man on himself when he answered the question with a smirk.

"Are hot waiters on the menu?"


Kuro could only stare perplexed at the man, his face an expressionless mask.
Did he just...?
No, he couldn't have. He probably meant Mahiru or Lily who were working at the back of the café.
But he did say it while looking at him...

He mentally scolded himself and forced his mouth back into a half smile.

"I'll just come back in a few minutes," he said while putting the menu on the table and then retreated as quickly as possible without looking like he wanted to run away.
He walked to the back of the café where Mahiru and Lilly where cleaning the tables and tipped his brown haired coworker lightly on the shoulder.

"Mahiru, can you take the customer at the front over for me?"

Mahiru stopped cleaning for a second to send Kuro a curious, but also slightly worried look.

"Sure, but why? Did anything happen? You know that you would have to continue cleaning for me, right?"

Now Lily a few tables over stopped cleaning too to listen to his response. They both knew Kuro well enough by now to know that he would never actually choose cleaning tables over serving a customer.

"Um....I think he flirted with me..." he mumbled and looked to side, not wanting to meet their eyes. Somehow the situation only caught up with him now and he could feel his cheeks slightly heating up.

"Ohh, I see!"

Kuro only heard Lily's exclamation before he was suddenly pushed back in the direction of the table.
He turned his head to the side as he stumbled forwards and was only met with a pair of smiling faces and Lily gesturing him to keep going.

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