Sweet as Sugar

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》Kuro, Mahiru, Sakuya《
College AU

The faint knock that Mahiru heard on the front door made him let out a sigh before putting his pen down.
Of course something had to interrupt him now that he really started writing his essay.
He let out a sigh before turning his head slightly to yell over his shoulder.

"Kuro, can you get the door please?"

After several seconds he tried again, now a bit more forceful.

"Kuro, the door!"

This time he heard the voice of his roommate coming from somewhere behind him.

"Don't wanna.... It's such a pain. Can't you go?"

Letting out a frustrated groan, Mahiru stood up from his desk and hurried towards the front door, throwing an angry look at Kuro who was lazing around on the couch.

"You were literally only two metres away from the door! How can you even be that unmotivated?"

As expected he didn't receive any answer except a shrug and Mahiru didn't pay it any more attention when he finally arrived at the door and pulled it open.

He came face to face with a boy about his age who was already half turned away from the door.

"Oh, um, hi, I live next door," he said while turning back towards Mahiru.

A small smile made its way onto Mahiru's face when he answered.

"You're Sakuya Watanuki, right?"

The boy nodded.

"I'm Mahiru Shirota, nice to finally meet you properly."

He held out his hand and Sakuya took it, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"I know, we're in the same math class."

"Of course, I've already seen you a lot but actually talking and introducing ourselves is still nice."

Mahiru smiled brightly at Sakuya whose blush slightly intensified.

"Y-yeah, you're right," he stuttered before dropping Mahiru's hand.

The smile remained on Mahiru's face. The way Sakuya had reacted reminded him of his first meeting with a certain other person and he could only describe it as endearing.
He pushed the thought aside to focus on Sakuya again who was standing in the hallway looking slightly flustered.

"But you didn't just knock here to introduce yourself, right? Can I help you with something?"

Mahiru's question seemed to make Sakuya remember why he came over and he pushed his hands into his pockets looking slightly to the ground.

"Um, right, I ran out of sugar and I wanted to ask if you could spare some?"

"Sugar? I think we still have some ins-"

"We're all out of sugar."

At the sound of a voice behind him, Mahiru turned around to look at Kuro dumbfounded.

"But didn't we just buy some a few day-"


"Kuro, what-?"

His question was cut short by a slight push to his chest and the door slamming shut in front of him.

"Sadly we don't have sugar," came Kuro's muffled voice through the door, " so Mahiru is the sweetest thing we have right now. Hope this helps."

After that the click of the lock was heard and then the shuffling sound of someone moving away from the door.
Mahiru could only stare perplexed at the door for a few seconds before he felt his entire face heating up.
He was glad that his back was turned towards Sakuya so his blush was hidden, but this, whatever this had been, really wasn't the first thing he wanted the other to see out of class.
So much for the first impression.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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