Take Over

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》Kuro and Mahiru《

"And you're sure that you wanna do this?" Kuro asked, sending a skeptical look sideways.

"I'm not a little kid, Kuro," Mahiru shot back, although there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"I just wanted to make sure you know what you're getting into." He stood up to put the game into the console and then returned to the sofa. "This game isn't something for scaredy-cats like you."

There was an underlying playfulness in Kuro's voice, a challenge.

"I'm not a scaredy-cat!" Mahiru yelled while delivering a painful blow to Kuro's biceps.
"And I'm especially not scared of some video game."

Kuro didn't miss how Mahiru stressed the words "video game" and he smirked inwardly.
Oh, he was definitely gonna show his eve just how scary video games could be.

"If you say so," was the only thing he said though. "Don't say I didn't warn you when you start crying."

His eve send him a withering glare before leaning back into the cushions of their sofa.

This time the smirk actually reached Kuro's lips and he quickly turned on the TV and the console to distract Mahiru.
This was going to be a fun night.


A few minutes later everything was set up and they were ready to start. The TV displayed the menu screen of the game that they were going to play and on their coffee table were a few bottles of coke and energy drink.

Kuro took the two cups that were also standing on the table and filled each with one half coke and the other half energy drink. He turned around and handed Mahiru his cup who looked at it like he may look at a dead mouse he found somewhere while cleaning.

"I'm not drinking that."

"Why not?"

"I have a feeling it could kill me."

The sincerity with which Mahiru said that made Kuro snort.

"I promise it won't kill you. I drink it all the time."

"The way you look, you aren't really a prime example of someone who's considered to be alive. Those dark circles should have killed you months ago - vampire or not," Mahiru chastised, going into full blown mom-mode.

Kuro just rolled his eyes and muttered "what a pain" under his breath. A bit louder he said: "Just drink it if you wanna get through the game. Or are you not feeling up to it anymore?"

For some reason Mahiru seemed so intent on playing this game that he immediately took the bait. He gripped his cup a bit tighter and downed half of its content, although not without grimacing at the taste.

"How can you drink something with that much sugar?" he asked, but Kuro knew that he didn't really expect an answer.
Instead he took a sip of his own drink and then handed the controller over to Mahiru. The latter just looked at it incredulously for a few seconds before his eyes widened with understanding.

"I thought we were playing together?"

There was just the tiniest hint of panic in Mahiru's voice and Kuro wondered yet again just why his eve was so adamant about playing this game.

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