The Secret Rendezvous Part 2

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*The next day*

Everyone in the house was awake and outside for the day. The girls were talking when Aria came out with her phone, as always. 

"I am so mad at you guys." She said storming over.

"What did we do?" Hanna said trying to cover up what they did last night.

"You watched us. Stop getting into my personal life!" Aria fumed. 

"Okay, we're sorry. But we need to know who it is." Spencer said seriously.

"Actually, no you don't. It's my personal life and I choose not to talk about it." Aria said.

"At least tell us this. Is it someone we know?" Ali asked.

"Yes, not well though. Now leave me alone." Aria glared and walked away towards the steps of the cabin. They all regretted going out last night and making her mad but they needed to know who it is. A few moments later they saw Aria walk inside with her phone at her ear. 

"We need to figure this out." Spencer said. 

"Spencer! Just drop it. If she doesn't want us to know, we shouldn't push her." Emily said. 

"Fine. You guys do what you want but I'm going to figure out who this is."  Spencer said before storming off. She sat where Aria had sat just moments ago. Then she heard Aria talking to someone on the phone. 

"Meet me again, I miss you." She pleaded. Spencer heard a voice but couldn't decipher the voice. She would just have to wait until tonight. Then she remembered, she had binoculars.


*That night*

Aria was gone again and this time Spencer followed close behind her. So far Aria had no idea she was there. It was pretty boring until Aria reached a car and got into it. Spencer hid in the bushes and watched. The dark figure was there but she still couldn't see him. So she reached for her binoculars and zoomed in. She still couldn't see him. That is until Aria showed him something on her phone.

"Holy shit." She said to herself before running back to the cabin. 

"Guys! Wake up!" Spencer yelled and they all ran out of their rooms.

"What?" They all groaned.

"I found out." She said.

"Who?!" They all asked. 

"Ezra Fitz." Spencer said.

"Wait, Mr. Fitz? Our English teacher?" Hanna asked and they all nodded.

"Oh shit." She said as her eyes got bigger. 

"I know!" Spencer yelled.

"It's hot." Ali muttered.

"It's gross." Emily said to her. 

"Whatever." Ali said sitting down on the bar stool. 

"Well, we can talk about it in the morning. I'm tired." Hanna yawned. They were about to go to bed when they heard footsteps approaching the door. They all ran to their rooms and silently closed their doors. Spencer however peeked through the crack that she had left open. She saw Aria holding Mr. Fitz's  hand as they walked down the hallway. 

"I have to get back." He whispered and Aria gave him a pout.

"Stay a little bit longer." She whined. He shook his head and laughed.

"Okay sweetheart." He said kissing her forehead. This had to be going on for a while. Aria and Mr.Fitz walked into her bedroom and closed the door. Spencer didn't hear any heavy breathing or loud kissing sounds, instead she heard them talking softly. She opened the door a bit more and walked silently to Aria's room to hear what they were talking about. 

"I love you." She heard Aria say to him.

"I love you too." Mr. Fitz sighed. Spencer heard the bed shift and she was holding her breath, hoping she wouldn't catch them having sex. But she heard something different.

"Read to me." Aria said to him. She picked up the book she had been reading and Spencer heard the pages turning. 

He read to her. Spencer imagined them cuddled up together and thought how bad this was for Aria. He would break her heart. 

"There I was, way off my ambition, getting deeper in love every minute." Mr. Fitz said before I heard him close the book. 

"I love you Aria Montgomery." He whispered before Spencer heard him walk towards the door and she dashed back to her room. She left the door cracked open again and saw him leave. There Spencer saw Aria, fast asleep with the jacket Mr. Fitz was wearing moments ago. Then she started to doubt her prediction. Mr. Fitz and Aria seemed like they were made for each other and Spencer was happy for her best friend, she finally found her happily ever after....


Thanks for reading! I will update again today so watch out for that. PLL comes on in 11 days OMG!!!!


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