The Secret Rendezvous

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"The End.." Hanna said turning off the flashlight. 

"That was stupid Hanna." Emily laughed.

"What? It was scary!" She yelled.

"Like your hairdryer is going to come alive." Spencer said sarcastically.

"C'mon guys, stop teasing." Ali said but she was laughing.

Aria was currently texting her older boyfriend, Ezra Fitz, who is her AP English teacher.

"Aria! Get off your phone." Spencer said but Aria ignored her. Spencer finally took her phone.

"Ooh! Who is this?" She questioned her.

"Just someone I've been talking to, now give me my phone back." Aria said holding her hand out.

"Not until you tell us his first name!" Hanna smirked. 

"Ezra. There, now give it back." Aria frowned and Spencer handed it to her.

"How old is he?" Ali asked.

"Um..." Aria stalled.

"He's an older man isn't he?" Emily asked incredulously. 

"Yeah, what's so bad about that? He's not that old." She said crossing her arms.

"How old?" Hanna asked. 

"26." She said and hoped no one heard her but Spencer did.

"26?!?" She announced. 

"Do your parents know?" Ali asked and Aria shook her head no.

"Please don't tell them! It's actually supposed to be a secret." She whispered the last part. 

"We won't don't worry." Hanna said sitting next to her.

"I think I'm going to bed goodnight guys." Aria said before retreating to the cabin that her family owned. She heard them whisper outside as she opened the window to her bedroom that she was staying in. Ezra had been over a few times when her parents were out of town. She heard her phone beep moments later after she got in bed.

"I'll meet you there. -E" It said and she smiled. She had asked him to meet her in the woods when everybody was asleep. 

"Okay. Love you! - A." She sent before she started to read, waiting until the right time to leave. Little did she know that the other girls had a plan to catch her secret lover..


"So are we just gonna wait here until she comes out or what?" Hanna asked.

"No, she'll check our rooms. We have to go inside." Spencer whispered. 

"Who's going?" Ali asked.

"All of us. We can't go into the woods alone!" Emily said and they all nodded. 

"Okay, let's go inside." Hanna whispered and they all walked in the cabin and to their rooms. 


Aria checked the other girls rooms to see that they were fast asleep and she quietly walked to the door with her shoes and phone. She texted Ezra.

"Where are you? I'm coming. -A" She instantly got a reply.

"By the lake. -E" He said and she walked towards the lake up the hill. 


"Hey! She left, I think she's going to the lake." Hanna said knocking on everyone's doors and they came out quickly with shoes on and jackets in hand. They walked as quietly as they could up the hill. They saw her standing with a dark figure. 

"Who's that?" Ali whispered and they shrugged. They didn't know. 

"I guess we'll have to wait." Hanna said sitting down by the tree, out of sight. 

"Whoa, what are they doing?!" Emily said as they watched them strip down.

"Going for a swim duh! They have swimming suits on. Calm down." Spencer said back to her. They did have swimsuits on and were walking towards the dock hand in hand. He had his head down, like he knew they were watching them. 

"It's like he knows he's being watched.." Ali said suspiciously as they stopped at the dock. They kept watching as they jumped in and she yelped. 

"What the hell?" Hanna said. 

"Relax, the water has to be cold." Emily said. 

"Oh yeah." Hanna replied.

They kept watching as they played around in the water. They occasionally stopped and looked back. 

"Are we gonna get caught?" Ali said. 

"No, but we probably need to be quiet." Spencer whispered.

They all listened in silence.


Ezra and Aria were looking back every few minutes and saw movement in the bushes. They both knew that people were watching and Aria had a pretty good idea who they were. 

"Let's get out." Aria whispered in his ear and he nodded. He helped her get out of the water and they walked toward their clothes. Ezra held his head down once more so they couldn't see them. As they put their clothes back on Aria whispered in his ear.

"Let's give them something to remember." She said and he laughed. 

"Okay, like what?" He said getting closer to her lips.

"This." She said kissing him hard.


"Ew, ew, ewwww." Hanna said running away with all of the other girls back to the cabin. 

They all were panting by the time they got back.

"Okay, we still have no idea who that was." Emily said.

"Yeah." Spencer said stumped. 

"Let's just go to bed and wait until she comes back." Ali suggested and they all agreed. Being spies was hard work..


There will be a part two of this! It will probably be up tonight! Thanks for reading and I'll be updating more often since I have ideas that I have and the ones my followers have.


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