IMAGINE: You, Obi-Wan's daughter, saving him from General Grievous

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| IMAGINE for @dovey0929 |

Obi-Wan Kenobi opens the door to your small bedroom that you use in the Jedi Temple. He shuts the door behind him, his face rigid. "Father." You say, standing. He walks over to you and pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly. You're Obi-Wan's Padawan and, also, blood daughter. Even though Jedi are forbidden to be in romantic relationships, Obi-Wan was in love with Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore when he was a teenager. Both had decided to return to their duties as a Jedi and a Duchess, but not before Satine became pregnant with you. Satine never told Obi-Wan about the pregnancy until the Battle of Sundari where she explained everything as she died in his arms. Obi-Wan found you and brought you to the Jedi Temple to become his Padawan. "Father, what's wrong?" You ask, looking up at him. "Y/N, the Council wants me to go to Utapau to kill General Grievous." Obi-Wan states. Your heart falls and your eyes widen with worry. You hold your father a little tighter. "Alone?" You ask worriedly. Your father nods slowly. "Father, no!" You protest. "Y/N, there's no other way. The Council wants you to stay here with Anakin. They want me to do this alone. There's no reasoning with them." Obi-Wan explains. Tears pool in your eyes. "Please. Please be careful." You beg quietly. Obi-Wan kisses your forehead and hugs you again. "Just like your mother." He whispers. You pull back and look at him. "That's a good thing, right?" You ask, smiling a little. Obi-Wan brushes the hair away from your forehead. "A very good thing." He whispers, smiling.

You lay on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I can't let him do this. I can't let him go to kill Grievous by himself. It's suicide." You mutter to yourself. You sit up and swing your legs over the bed. "The Council won't listen to me. No one would agree to me tagging along." You add. You push yourself up and start pacing, thinking of a plan. A minute goes by and then you halt to a stop. You bite your lip and sigh. "You'll be angry at me, father, but you'll have to understand." You whisper, grabbing your lightsaber and walking out of your room. An hour later, you sneak into the hanger filled with ships and immediately spot your father's Jedi Starfighter. You smile, lean down, and head for it. You open it up and stow away in the small ship.

When your father lands the ship in Utapau and gets out to go talk with the people of Pau City, you lift your head out of the ship and then noiselessly get out out of the Starfighter. You jump behind a box and watch as Obi-Wan walks back to the ship. He gets in, gives directions to R-4, and then gets off the ship without being seen. The Starfighter flies off and Obi-Wan hides, still not noticing you. You pull the hood of your cape over your head and sneak down underneath a bridge, following your father at a safe distance.

"Ah!" Obi-Wan gasps, fighting General Grievous. You watch from the rafters, your lightsaber in your hand, ready to drop in and help your father. They fight right below you. Grievous knocks Obi-Wan across the face and then kicks him in the windpipe.. Your father wheezes and groans as he's thrown to the ground, his lightsaber skirting off. General Grievous holds out his many lightsabers, preparing to give one final blow to end your father. "No!" You scream, jumping from the rafters. You stand over your father and block Grievous's lightsabers with your own. "Y/N." Obi-Wan breathes incredulously. "What's this? The Jedi's Padawan learner has come to save him?" Grievous asks, before laughing. With your free hand, you use the Force to grab Obi-Wan's lightsaber. You light it up and then stick it in Grievous's stomach cage. His evil laugh is caught off short. He drops his lightsabers and one brushes up against your arm. You cry out as white pain sears against your arm. "Y/N!" Obi-Wan exclaims. Grievous stares at you as he stumbles backwards, wheezing, grunting, and crying out. He falls on to his back and dies. You kneel down next to your father, his cheekbone lightly bleeding from where Grievous hit him. "Father, are you all right?" You ask worriedly, gently helping him up into a sitting position. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Obi-Wan asks, staring at you. "I couldn't of have let you face Grievous alone, father. I lost my mother, I don't want to lose my father as well." You answer. He hugs you tightly. "Thank you for coming. Thank you for saving me." He whispers. He pulls back and looks at your arm. "How's your arm?" Obi-Wan asks, holding your arm in his hands. "It's okay, it hurts a little bit." You reply, looking at the long cut. Obi-Wan kisses your cheek and then stands up, pulling you with him. "The Council might not be happy that you stowed away to save me, but they'll be most grateful that you killed Grievous." He states as you both walk back to the Starfighter. "I don't care if they expel me, as long as you're still alive that's all that matters." You say, smiling at him. Obi-Wan wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you close. "Well, you won't be expelled, that's for sure. Master Yoda might give you a long speech about obeying the Council, but that should be it." He explains, smiling at you. He stops and turns to face you. "Y/N, I am so proud of you. I know your mother would be too." He says. Your smile quivers as tears fill your eyes. "Thank you, father." You whisper, hugging him tightly.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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