IMAGINE: You, Obi-Wan's apprentice, turning to the Dark Side

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     "How're you liking this new found destiny, Y/N?" The Emperor asks, his body flickering in a hologram. You kneel before him, your head bowed.
     "It is freeing, my master, beyond anything. I finally feel at peace with myself." You answer lowly.
     You were Obi-Wan Kenobi's padawan. You've always felt torn between the Jedi and the Sith. The Emperor found you at a low point in your life, and pounced. You betrayed your master and the Jedi Order to become a Sith lord.
     "Good." The Emperor cackles. "You know now that the Jedi could have never given you this type of peace—this type of freedom. Only the Dark Side and the Sith can." He says.
     "I know. And I was a fool to have ever believed that the Light Side could've given me that." You say. The Emperor smiles.
     "You will do great things, Y/N. A great many things." He practically purrs. You look up at him.
     "Only with your teachings will I ever become great." You say. The Emperor starts maniacally laughing and you grin.


     You walk around Utapau, your black cape flowing behind you. You're waiting for General Grievous to make his landing here so you can discuss plans to take over the city. You walk to the landing bays and spot a ship flying overhead. You shield your eyes from the sun and squint. A pit falls into your stomach as you see the ship. Obi-Wan's Starfighter.
     "No, no, no, no, no, no." You breathe, walking backwards as the ship starts to descend. You turn on your heel and take off running. The ship quickly lands and Obi-Wan dramatically jumps out.
     "You can't run from me, Y/N!" He yells, his voice echoing. You slow to a stop and let out a frustrated breath. You slowly turn around and face your former master.
     "What are you doing here?" You ask.
     "I've come to find you and turn you back,Y/N. This is not you. This is not who you were born to be." Obi-Wan says, walking towards you.
     "I'm at peace here! This is where I belong!" You exclaim angrily.
     "Do you really believe that?! Or is that what the Sith want you to believe?!" He yells. You clench your jaw.
     "You will not take me back." You hiss.
     "I can try." Obi-Wan states, before ripping off his cloak and tossing it aside. You do the same and whip out your green lightsaber. Your master takes out his blue one.
     "I don't want to fight you, Y/N." He states. You scoff.
     "You made the first move, my master." You say. Obi-Wan flinches before you let out a scream and raise towards him, your lightsaber drawn.


      Obi-Wan and you fight rapidly, your strikes barring down harshly on his lightsaber.
     "Why is there so much hate in you?" Obi-Wan asks, a bead of sweat above his eyebrows, while you block one of his strikes. "You were never like this before. Why now? Why now that you've turned to the Dark Side?" He asks. You stare at him before you pull your lightsaber up and go to strike him. Obi-Wan deftly blocks it.
     "The Dark Side has taught me everything I need to know about the force. Love is for the weak, Obi-Wan. But hate? Hate can make a person do unspeakable things." You whisper.
     "Do you even hear yourself speak, Y/N?! What has happened to you?!" Obi-Wan shouts, pushing you back.
     You grunt and stumble backwards, teetering very closely to the edge of a platform. A rumble suddenly shakes the ground which throws you off balance yet again. You scream as you misplace your foot and fall off the ledge.
     "Y/N!!" Obi-Wan screams as you clutch on the edge of the platform with your hands.
     "Obi-Wan!" You exclaim, near hysteria. Obi-Wan's face appears over the ledge. "Help me. Please." You beg, tears in your eyes. "I-I don't want to die." You cry, shaking your head.
     "Let go, Y/N." Obi-Wan says.
     "What?!" You exclaim.
     "Just trust me, Y/N. Let go." He insists. Your eyebrows draw and you're silent for a moment.
     "Okay." You whisper. You slowly loosen your hands and squeeze your eyes shut, before letting go of the platform. Your scream is cut short as you feel yourself levitating through the air. You slowly open your eyes and see Obi-Wan, his hands outstretched, holding you up by the Force.
     Once Obi-Wan sets you gently and safely on to the platform, you start sobbing, on your hands and knees.
     "Y/N?" Obi-Wan asks softly, kneeling beside you. You look at him and throw your arms around him.
     "You used the Force out of love, master. You harbor it for love. If our positions would have been changed, you in my place, I would have I let you die. I was using the Force for hate—harboring it for hate. And I've been so wrong." You weep. Obi-Wan hugs you tightly. "Please forgive me, master. Please take me back. I want to be back. I need to be back." You cry.
     "Of course I forgive you, Y/N." He whispers, his hand holding the back of your head. You sniff.
     "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry for everything. For rebelling, for almost killing you... " You say.
     "What's done is done. Do not dwell on the past. It'll stop you from living the future." Obi-Wan says, looking at you. He cups your face.
     "Thank you, master Kenobi." You whisper, smiling. He smiles at you.
     "You're welcome, padawan."
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Ewan McGregor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now