IMAGINE: You, Obi-Wan's wife, getting kidnapped by Count Dooku

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| IMAGINE for @izzykitch15 |

You walk to your room in the Jedi Temple with Obi-Wan Kenobi; your master, lover and husband. Even though you're five years younger than him, he took you as his Padawan when your master was killed by Count Dooku. You fell in love and got married despite the rules of the Jedi Order. "Master Yoda wants to send us on a mission to Besbin." Obi-Wan states. You look at his handsome face and smile. "Cloud City?" You question. He nods. "Apparently there is some unfinished business with a few bounty hunters." He explains. "Did Master Yoda say how long we will be there for?" You ask. "No, but I'm afraid it might take some time." Obi-Wan answers. "Well, that's okay, it'll be like our second honeymoon." You whisper so that only he can hear. Your husband grins, looks around for anyone, and then pulls you into a dark corner. You giggle as he pulls you into his arms and kisses you deeply.

You wake up in the middle of the night, gasping just as the nightmare vanishes from your brain. You get out of bed and walk out of your room, shaking. You rub your arms and then walk outside to get a breath of fresh air. Your breathing is shaky as you think of the nightmare. The Jedi Order found out about Obi-Wan and you, and then they decided to execute your husband right in front of your eyes. You bite back a sob as tears flood your vision. You bury your face in your hands and weep. After a few minutes of crying, you lift your head and sniff. Your eyes suddenly widen and you jump back. Standing there, his head covered by the hood of cloak, stands Count Dooku. "I was wondering how long it'd take for you to notice me." He says. Your hand immediately moves to your hip to grab your lightsaber. "Blast!" You curse, realizing you left it in your bedroom. Dooku clucks his tongue. "Such a pity. Such a pity, indeed." He whispers. You look up at him just as he shoots electricity out of his fingers. You scream, dropping to your knees, your body tingling and burning. You writhe on the ground in pain, sobbing hard. As the Sith lord continues to electrocute you, you fall into unconsciousness from the pain

You wake up in a room, chained to the wall. You look around, suddenly realizing that Count Dooku kidnapped you. "No!" You whisper, struggling against the chains. One of the chain links cut your wrist lightly making you gasp. Your eyes trail the walls, looking for any kind of escape. You suddenly stop, getting dizzy. As a wave of nausea fills your stomach, you hang your head down. You throw up bile, your chest heaving. You spit out the horrible taste. Shaking your head at this odd sickness, you take a deep breath and then reach down into your boots. You pull out a small device for taking blood samples. You take blood from the cut on your wrist, and then press a button. Your eyes search the device as a strange sign registers on the screen. You look up and then put a chained hand on your stomach. "Pregnant." You whisper. "I'm pregnant." You repeat incredulously.

"Bring her out here." A droid says as a Super Battle droid unlocks your chains. "Count Dooku wants to see her." The droid adds. The Super Battle droid drags you out of the room, and you clutch your pregnant stomach protectively. The three of you start walking down a long hall in complete silence. You focus on the ground, your mind completely focused on Obi-Wan. Hours before the droids got you, you were meditating, calling your husband's name through your thoughts. You hope he heard you. Suddenly someone drops down in front of you, making the droids stop. "Hello there." A voice says, making your head lift up. "Obi-Wan!" You exclaim, smiling with relief. Your husband force pushes the droids back against the wall and then rushes over to you. "We must hurry, Y/N. R4 is waiting for us." He says, holding your hand and pulling you up.

Obi-Wan and you make it safely out of Count Dooku's ship and now you're own your way back to Coruscant. "How did you find me?" You ask him. "Well after I noticed you were missing, I panicked. Master Yoda chided me and advised me to meditate. And that's when I heard you calling to me. As I was flying, Master Windu appeared on a hologram and told me that Count Dooku had you. Apparently Dooku had sent a message out that he was going to use you as ransom for some sketchy black mail deal. That affirmed my suspicions, so I went to his ship, snuck in and then found you." Your husband explains. You say nothing, but continue to stare out at space. Obi-Wan looks at you. "Y/N, are you all right? Is something wrong?" He asks worriedly. You take a deep breath and return his look. You stare at him for a while, taking in his loving and caring eyes. You fall even more in love with him at this moment. He's going to be a great father. You reach over and take his hand. "Obi-Wan, I'm... I'm pregnant." You whisper. He stares at you. "Pregnant? With a-a baby?" Obi-Wan asks, his eyes wide. "Well certainly not with a Wookie." You laugh softly. Your husband puts the ship on autopilot and then turns his chair so he can face you completely. He takes a deep breath making your eyebrows draw. "I-I understand that this makes things much more difficult for us, Obi-Wan, I really do. But I was thinking-" Before you can go any further, Obi-Wan takes your upper arms, crushes you against his chest, and kisses you passionately. "Obi-" You get out, starting to pull away. "Shh!" He whispers, before kissing you again. Many minutes go by before he sits back in his chair, breathing heavily. You sit back into your chair, dazed. "What..." You murmur. Obi-Wan takes a deep breath. "Sorry, I just... My emotions got the betterment of me." He says, blushing. "You're happy then?" You ask, smiling. "Oh, Y/N, I'm very happy." He answers, grinning. He looks outside, his face suddenly perplexed. "We could have the baby when we're in Besbin." Obi-Wan says. "What then? Will we have to give our baby up?" You ask, frowning. "We can take care of our child, Y/N, till it's old enough to bed either yours or my Padawan. You're ready for the trials. You're ready to be a Jedi master. You do the trials before we go to Besbin. Then we'll leave to Besbin, do our mission, have our baby, and then we'll bring it back with us. We can tell the Council that we found it." Your husband explains. You sigh and put your hand on your stomach. "This is risky. They could find out and expel me from the Jedi Order." You say. "If they expel you, I'm leaving the Order. You and our unborn child are the most important things in my life. Not the Jedi Order." Obi-Wan tells you, reaching his hand over to cover yours that's on your stomach. He squeezes your hand. "We'll get through this, Y/N. Together. As husband and wife. As a father and a mother." He whispers. You smile, as he kisses your cheek, knowing that everything is going to be all right.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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