IMAGINE: You, Obi-Wan's Padawan, going through the Jedi Trials

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You sit on a circular couch, staring at your master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. "You are ready to face the trials, Y/N. Master Yoda has granted you permission to do so." He says. You nod, trying to ignore the pinprick of nervousness and fear that touches your heart. "You're showing the qualities of a Jedi Knight. You're a very strong woman, and I'm so proud of you." Obi-Wan states, smiling. "I'm scared, master. I'm so scared to fail them. I've come so far and if I fail..." You trail off and heave a sigh, shaking your head. Obi-Wan stands up and walks over to you. He puts a hand on your shoulder and you look up at him. "Have faith, Y/N. You remind me so much of myself when I was younger. I was the same way, but you must have faith." He says. "Now, there are five trials, okay? They are: Skill, Courage, Spirit, Flesh, and Insight. Each will be very different, some possibly harder than others, but nonetheless challenging." Obi-Wan explains. For the next hour, your master and you talk over the trials.

You hop on to a box and look around the huge dimly lit room. Your heart pounds as you hear droids moving around. You're on to the first Trial of Skill. You silently jump off the box and draw your green lightsaber. Bullets fly past you as you focus on destroying the droids. You know from somewhere the Battlemaster, Obi-Wan, and Master Yoda watch you. You quickly destroy the droids that shoot at you. You breathe heavily, looking around as the droids sizzle on the ground beside you. Your eyebrows draw as it's silent for a moment. "Is it done already?" You ask yourself in disbelief. You put your lightsaber away. "Did I pass?" You ask loudly. No one answers, instead a door opens and another Padawan enters. You smile and start walking towards them. "Hey, do you kn-" You stop when you realize the Padawan pulls out his lightsaber. "I'm sorry, but I need to fight you. This is the only way for both of us to pass our Trial of Skill." He states, before letting out a cry and rushing at you.

You lay on a bed as a medical droid checks you. Obi-Wan walks in smiling. "Good news." He states. "I won't lose my leg?" You ask, half-kidding. While you were fighting with the other Padawan, he nicked your leg badly with his lightsaber. Despite being injured, you fought him until you passed out. You're still not sure if that counts as passing the trial. Your master chuckles as he sits down on the edge of your bed. "Well, no, you won't lose your leg, but that wasn't the good news I was going to tell you." He answers. "Master Yoda was very impressed with your skills that he has passed you on that trial..." Obi-Wan states. "Oh, thank goodness." You sigh with relief. "I'm not finished yet, Y/N." He says. You stare at him. "Master Yoda was also impressed that you continued to fight after being badly injured. With the permission of the Council, you also passed on the Trial of Flesh." He says. Without thinking, you sit up and throw your arms around your master. He laughs and hugs you back. "I can't believe it!" You exclaim. "I know, me either. They were actually debating about passing you on the Trial of Courage too, but I made sure they didn't." He admits. You pull back and make a face at him. "Hey! You're my Padawan-I do want you to be the best Jedi Knight you can be." Obi-Wan says. You smile. "And I appreciate that, master."

A few months later, you finish the Trials. Each one had worn you out mentally, psychically, and spiritually. But you've grown extensively as a person and as a Jedi. "Master Yoda is very proud of you." Obi-Wan says, one afternoon as you both walk to the Jedi Council. He looks at you, smiling. "As am I. You couldn't have made me more proud." He adds. You grin proudly. "I wouldn't have gotten where I am if it wasn't for you, master." You reply. "You'll make a great master one day, Y/N." Obi-Wan replies. "I hope so." You sigh. He stops and you stop with him. "You will, Y/N, trust me. You possess such great qualities-even when I found you as a Youngling. The Force is strong with you." He says, staring at you. You smile and nod understandably. Obi-Wan smiles and then continues walking. "Now, let's get you to be a Jedi Knight." He says. You let out a small squeal of excitement and jog after Obi-Wan.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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