IMAGINE: Falling in love with Obi-Wan

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You stare at Obi-Wan as he talks with Captain Panaka, Queen Amidala's chief of security. You're stranded on the outskirts of a settlement called Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. Master Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, Padmé, and R2-D2 went into Mos Espa to try and buy new parts. You're stuck in the royal starship with the queen, the rest of her handmaidens and crew, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the young, handsome Jedi padawan. Obi-Wan notices you staring at him and then looks at you, smiling. "Do need something, Y/N?" He asks. You look away, blushing, realizing you've been caught admiring the young Jedi. "No, no..." You mutter, before walking away. "Excuse me a moment, Captain." You hear Obi-Wan murmur to Panaka. "Hey, Y/N, wait up!" Obi-Wan exclaims, jogging after you. You turn and look at him, smiling. "Yes?" You ask. "Wh-what are you doing right now?" He asks. "Um, nothing. I'm just sort of wandering around the ship for something to do. The queen doesn't need me for anything right now." You answer. "Would you like to help me with the hyper-drive?" He asks, smiling. You grin, nodding. "I would, I'd love to." You say.

"Y/N, can you hand me that screw please?" Obi-Wan asks, working on the hyper-drive. You reach over into a tool box and hand him the screw. "So what's your story, Y/N? How did you become a handmaiden?" He asks, looking at you as he screws in the screw. You sigh. "Well, it's not an interesting story, I'll tell you that much." You laugh softly. Obi-Wan grins. "Oh, come now. Not interesting? You're a handmaiden for the queen of Naboo. It sounds pretty exciting to me." He says. You smile and rest against the wall. "I was chosen as a young girl to be a handmaiden for the queen. Everyone says I bear a remarkable resemblance to her, but I don't see it." You state. "I don't see it either." Obi-Wan says. He leans in closer to you, smiling. He glances at the door to make sure no one is listening, and then looks back to you. "You're much more beautiful." He adds lowly. You look down, your face hot. "But don't tell anyone I said that." Obi-Wan says, laughing softly. You chuckle and look at him, quickly finding yourself falling for the Jedi. "So what about you? What's your story?" You ask him. "I'm a padawan. Soon to become a Jedi master if I beat the trials." Obi-Wan explains. "When." You correct. His eyebrows draw and he looks at you in confusion. "When you beat the trials." You say. Obi-Wan smiles at you and nods. "Yeah, when I beat the trials." He says. You smile and look away from him.

You use your blaster to fire at droids in the hangar on Naboo. "Y/N, duck!" Obi-Wan shouts. You obey and drop to the ground. He force pushes droids back, breaking them into pieces. "You okay?" Obi-Wan asks. You nod and then stand up, shooting the remaining droids. Obi-Wan and you bonded and became best friends. You're in love with him, and you're pretty sure he's in love with you. You know Jedi can't be bound in romantic relationships but you can't stop your feelings from growing. A droid bullet grazes your arm and you cry out, dropping your weapon. "Y/N!" Obi-Wan exclaims, rushing over to you. He grabs you and hides you behind a box. You're gasping, clutching your bleeding arm. "Are you okay?" He asks, searching your eyes worriedly. You nod, wincing. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing." You mutter. Obi-Wan smiles a little at you, brushing your cheek with his fingers gently. You smile up at him. "The droids are gone, Obi-Wan!" Master Jinn exclaims. Obi-Wan takes you out from the cover. "Y/N, are you all right?" Padmé asks as you reluctantly break apart from Obi-Wan. You nod reassuringly. "Come on, we should go find the Viceroy and destroy him before more droids come." Padmé suggest, walking towards a door. Everyone follows her. "Wait, let me scout ahead to make it's clear." You state, moving to the front of the group. The door suddenly slides open and there stands Darth Maul, his double lightsaber drawn. "Back up, back up, back up!" Captain Panaka exclaims. Everyone moves away but you stay still, your eyes wide. The Sith lord stares directly at you. "We'll go a different way." Padmé says, already walking away. Before you can follow her group, Darth Maul force pulls you towards his lightsaber and suddenly impales you on it. "No!!!!!" Obi-Wan screams. "Y/N!" Padmé cries, horror flickering across her face. "Obi-Wan." You gasp, as Darth Maul tosses you to the side. You tumble to the floor, your eyes wide, your mind focused on sucking in another breath. "Go, your highness, get out of here!" Qui-Gon commands. Padmé gasps and captain Panaka has to lead her away. Qui-Gon immediately advances on Darth Maul, and the two of them start fighting. Obi-Wan bites back a sob and runs over to your body. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." He cries, turning you over and holding you in his arms. "Obi-Wan." You choke out, tears sliding out of the corners of your eyes. Your fingers brush against his chin and you give him a faint smile. "So handsome..." You whisper. "Please, Y/N, don't leave me." Obi-Wan weeps, shaking his head while holding you close. "I must..." You say. "I-I y-you..." You whisper, your breaths coming out in little gasps. "I love you too." Obi-Wan whispers, tears streaming from his eyes. "I-I was going to tell you. I wanted to give up being a Jedi so we could get married." He states. "Oh, Obi-Wan." You cry, your heart breaking. You cry gets cut off by a gasp. You let out sharp breath and then close your eyes, your head falling limp against Obi-Wan's chest. "Y/N?" He asks, touching your face. Nothing. No answer. No movement. You are dead. "Y/N, no." Obi-wan weeps, resting his head against yours. "Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gonn shouts. Obi-Wan looks up at his master still fighting the Sith lord, and suddenly anger courses through his veins. His eyebrows furrow and he gently sets your dead body down. "Your death will be avenged, Y/N. I promise you." He whispers, before letting out an angry cry and racing towards Darth Maul, his blue lightsaber drawn.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Ewan McGregor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now