IMAGINE: Marrying Obi-Wan

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Obi-Wan wraps his arm around your waist and drags you on to a Gunship, while you're blocking blaster fire with your lightsaber. The ship flies out of the Geonosian arena.
     "Are you okay?" Obi-Wan, your old master, asks you, as he sits on the floor of the Gunship, you in his arms.
     While you were fighting in the arena with him and the rest of the Jedi, you took a nasty bullet wound to your leg.
     You nod. "Yeah." You murmur weakly, looking up at his handsome face.
     You're only five years younger than Obi-Wan. He and you were friends when you were both little, and then when  your original master was killed, he took you under his wing to complete your training as a Padawan. Now that you're a Jedi Master you accompanied Obi-Wan on his mission to Geonosis. And in that time period, you both managed to fall in love with each other.
     "Padmé is going to kill me when she finds out you were shot." Obi-Wan says, as the Gunship swerves out of the way of a missile.
     You grip on to Obi-Wan and think of your younger sister who's safely on Naboo with Anakin,
     "Hey, at least, I wasn't killed." You mutter.
     Obi-Wan stares down at you, smiling. He caresses your cheek with the back of his knuckle.
     "No, thank goodness." He whispers. You smile tiredly, your heart pounding.
     "Master Jedi, where to?" The Clone pilot asks. Obi-Wan immediately drops his hand from your face and looks to the Clone.
     "A medical bay." He answers.
     "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't have a medical bay set up yet." The Clone answers.
     "Blast." Obi-wan breathes.
     "There is a small village not far from here that has some medicinal droids." The Clone throws in.
     "Drop us off there." Obi-Wan commands. He looks back at you and then to the pool of blood beside your leg. His jaw clenches. "I don't think Y/N can afford to wait any longer." He says lowly, frowning, just as your head lolls against his chest, your eyes closing.


     Obi-Wan carries your unconscious body off the Gunship.
    "Sorry, sir, I can't stay. I have more troops to pick up and Master Yoda needs me when he goes after Count Dooku." The Clone pilot says.
     "That's fine, just be sure to tell Master Yoda I am here!" Obi-Wan exclaims as the Gunship noisily ascends in the air.
     Obi-Wan holds your body close to his chest as he turns and looks at the village that consists of just a few mud homes. He frowns and quickly starts to walk over to them.
     "Hello, excuse me!" He shouts. "Is anyone here?" He asks. A moment later a man and a woman exit out of a home. "Please, my..." Obi-Wan trails off, unsure what to call you. He looks back at the people. "She's injured." He recovers.
     The woman waves Obi-Wan along into a house.
    "Can you help her?" He asks as he walks into the house. A medical droid is in the corner and the woman goes to turn him on.
     "He might be able to." She says, motioning to the droid.


     You wake up with a start. "Where am I?" You gasp, propping yourself up with your arms.
     "Shh, shh, Y/N, it's okay." Obi-Wan asks, coming into view. You breathe a sigh of relief and lay back down.
     "Where are we?" You ask him.
     "We're in a small village on Geonosis. A medical droid fixed your leg." He explains, sitting next to you. He picks up your hand and holds it. Obi-wan and you stare at each other.
     "Obi-Wan." You whisper.
     "Yes, Y/N?" He asks softly.
     "What're we going to do?" You ask. Obi-Wan's eyebrows draw.
     "About what?" He asks.
     "About... us." You answer.
     He looks away, sighing and shaking his head. "I don't really know, Y/N." He says.
     "Do we go against the Order? Do we leave the Order?" You ask. Obi-Wan looks at you.
    "I would leave the Order for you, Y/N." He says.
     You shake your head. "No, no. I couldn't make you do that. Anakin still needs your help and guidance." You reply, pushing yourself up into a sitting position.
     Obi-Wan puts his hands on your waist, gazing at you. "We could always keep it a secret." He whispers. You stare at him, your eyes widened slightly. He moves closer to you. "It wouldn't be that hard. We spend much of our time with each other anyways." He says urgently.
     "Obi-Wan-" You start to say before he cuts you off with a deep, passionate kiss. Your arms, like they have a mind of their own, wrap around his neck. When he pulls away, you're both breathless. "W-we could keep it a secret." You whisper. Obi-Wan smiles and kisses you again.


     Obi-Wan helps you stand up. "Y/N, this man can marry us. He has all the right credentials and everything." He explains, holding you to his side as an older man enters the house. "Is this truly what you wish?" Obi-Wans asks you.
     You smile, nodding. "It is." You answer.
     He takes a deep breath and looks at the man, smiling. "We're ready." He answers. You wrap your arm around Obi-Wan's waist, unable to contain your smile.


     Years later, you're sitting in a room, holding your niece Leia and your nephew Luke in your arms, as tears stream down your cheeks. Thirty minutes earlier, your sister died in childbirth. You bite back a sob as your stare down at the two newborns.
     "Oh, my loves." You whisper, sniffing. You feel someone watching you and look up to see Obi-Wan staring at you, with tears in his eyes. "Obi-wan, what's going to happen to them?" You ask hoarsely.
     "Bail Organa is going to take Leia and I'll be taking Luke to Tatooine to stay with his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen." He answers, walking into the room.
     You hold the babies a little more protectively. "No." You state suddenly.
      "Y/N." Obi-Wan says surprised.
     "I won't let them take Luke and Leia, Obi-Wan." You cry. "Why can't we take them? Why can't they be our babies?" You ask.
     Obi-Wan kneels in front of you and puts his hands on your knees. "Y/N, you know I would love to take them, but we can't. I don't want the Sith finding out about them. We have to keep them hidden. It's what's best for them." He says softly. Tears slip down your face and Obi-Wan kisses your cheek. "I know, Y/N." He whispers.
    "What will happen to us?" You ask. "Once I drop Luke off on Tatooine, I'm coming back for you and we'll live on Tatooine as well." Obi-Wan explains. You nod. "I must take him, Y/N. I must take Luke." He says.
     You stare down at your nephew's face and then kiss his forehead. "Do you think we'll ever see them again?" You ask your husband.
     "Of course." He says, taking Luke out of your arms.
     "Be safe, Obi-Wan. I love you." You say.
     "I love you too. I'll be back for you, Y/N." Your husband says, before giving you a quick kiss on the lips. He walks out of the room, holding Luke in his arms.
     Leia lets out a high pitched scream and starts crying.
     "Shh, shh, Leia." You whisper, rocking her back and forth, crying as well.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Ewan McGregor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now