IMAGINE: Obi-Wan and you being in love

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     "So let me get this straight. You want me to go on a deadly mission with a boy I've never even met?" You ask your master, Luminara Unduli. You put your hands on your hips and level her with a stare.

     "Y/N, you've heard of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's master Qui-Gon's padawan. And he's not a boy. He's nearly a Jedi knight, just like you. This mission will help prepare you for that." She says.

     "Master Luminara, what exactly is this mission?" You ask.

     "There's a bunch of Pirates living on a remote planet. They've been holding explosives there and illegally selling them on the black market. They need to be stopped. Obi-Wan and you are just the right Padawans to do it, too." She answers.

     You groan and roll your eyes. "I could just do this by myself, you know." You mutter.

     Luminara smiles at you. "I know, Y/N, but I really think you're going to get along with Obi-Wan. He reminds me of you." She says.

     "Great." You breathe sarcastically.


     You walk into the hangar after saying goodbye to master Luminara. You start to walk to the spot where you're supposed to meet Obi-Wan. You halt when you see a handsome young man resting casually against a Starfighter, his arms crossed.

     "Must be Obi-Wan." You swallow. You take a deep breath and walk over to him. "Obi-Wan?" You ask. He looks at you and you're surprised by how blue is eyes are.

     "Y/N?" He responds in surprise, his eyebrows raised. You nod, smiling. "Ah, I expected someone... younger..." Obi-Wan says.

     "Same." You laugh.

     He chuckles and clasps his hands together. "Well, are you ready to do this?" He asks.

     "Ready as I'll ever be." You reply.


     "So what's the plan?" You ask. Obi-Wan and you are on the planet. You're hidden in the forest and watch as the Pirates carry crates of explosives into a small cave.

     "Mm, I think we need a diversion. One of us can stay outside the cave and draw some of the Pirates out, while the other can go inside and take care of things in there." Obi-Wan answers.

     "No negotiating then?" You ask, smirking at him.

     He grins. "Nah, I really don't think so. Pirates don't really like to negotiate." He answers.

     Obi-Wan and you have become quick friends, and you dangerously like him way too much. You know the Jedi are forbidden to love romantically and you're trying very hard to stick to that rule.


     As some of the scared Pirates run out of the cave, they stop short as they look upon Obi-Wan,his lightsaber ignited, standing before them.

     You move past the boxes and crates of explosives just as the remaining Pirates in the cave start shooting at you. You dive for cover next to a bundle of dynamite, drawing your lightsaber. You start blocking shots.

     When the bullets hit your lightsaber, sparks fly onto the ground and drop onto the dynamite. One stick lights up. When you hear sizzling, you frown and look around. When you see the dynamite stick on fire, you jump back, your eyes wide. More sticks ignite and soon the whole bundle is on fire.

     "The cave is going to blow!" You scream.

     "Obi-Wan! Run!" You scream, dashing towards the entrance of the cave. The Pirates around your friend scatter into the woods and Obi-Wan backs up. Just as you exit the cave, the explosion goes off.

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