Awaken By Oh Great

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Awaken By Oh Great ....

I felt my body being jerked up from the cold wet floor. I didn't want to look up or anything, whoever it was could just kill me now! "Stupid girl" I heard AO mumble shortly before his hand made contact with my damp cheek creating a loud smacking sound. I fell to the floor rubbing my cheek glaring at him as he throw my shirt at me as a sign of get dress and follow him.

He had only a pair of basketball shorts. I followed him back to the house were Kelp and a few men sat around drinking beer and laughing about the 'good old days.' "You found her!" He said cheerly as he stood to his feet and walked over to me as he cast his strong arms around me. I took in his scent but did not return the embrace. He smelled like honeydew and moring rain the thought made me smile. On the inside; I was still holding onto my cheek and sending AO daggers as he rolled his eyes. 

"What's wrong girl?" Kelp asked in a worried tone. His eyes downcast to mines as he quickly removed my hand to see a fire-y red hand print marked my cheek. He growled lowly as he turned to his guest who were already getting up to leave. "Another night fellows" He said calmly as he shook each mans hand as they left the main house. His undying fury turned on like a light switch as he turned back to me. I jumpped and took a step back, quickly downcasting my eyes. "Who hit you?" He growled as he took a step forward.

I step back.  "I said who hit you!" He growled a bit louder as he grab me and pinned me against the wall. Fear is an understandment in this display. "Look at me" He yelled as he grab my face forcing me to stare into his sea green eyes. "AO" I whispered as I looked down to the floor; Kelp let me go and walked over to AO who was lending against the door. In one quickly but swift movement AO was doubled over groaning from Kelp's fist. "Shit" He mumbled as he stood right back up ready to fight his Alpha. 

For the next 15 mintues they duked it out, blow for blow. "STOP" I fianlly yelled as I ran over to them pushing them apart. I'm not sure why but I went to AO first checking him over, he had scars and a broken bloody nose. "Are you okay?" I whispered as I touched AO's cheek. He flitched but answered in a cold tone. "Yeah" Then he turned and walked up the stairs soon the door slamed shut. I turned to see Kelp glaring at me for some odd reason.

"Forgive me Kelp but I can't stand the sight of you in a fight" I honestly replied as went to grab the first aid kit which was pretty useless since he was already healing. "He should have never put his hands on you" He growled at me. I narrowed my eyes slightly. Who does he think he is? "Your not my mate so keep your hands to yourself when it comes to my issues" I said sturnly as I turned to walk up the stairs. "Your brother" He started off but I quickly cut him off. "Don't speak of my brother. I lost ties with him under this roof" I said through cleantched teeth. I don't want to talk about him. I hurried up the stairs and into my shared room. AO was laying on the floor with his eyes closed. "Um" I started as she moved around him. 

Next thing I knew his arm shot up and grab my ankel causing me to fall onto the floor and bump my head on the side of the bed. "You" He growled as he pulled me towards him. Kicking and screaming I tried to losen his grip but it was to strong and firm. I shuttered under him as he hovered on top of me. "Thank you" He said as he sighed before slapping my thigh playfully. "For what?" I asked as I sat up, he was already on the other side of the room looking for something to wear. 

"Sticking up for me." He paused as she looked at the black button down shirt. "Nobody around here does that for me anymore" He sighed as he turned to me holding two dress shirts. "Which one?" He asked as he shook the hangers. Even though I don't dress up like some damn barbie doll doesn't mean I don't know fashion. I do and I'm pretty good at it. "What is it for?" I asked as I ot up and walked towards his cloest. 

"A party"

"What kind of party?"

"What do you mean it's a party!" He growled and I groaned

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