The Meeting..Plus 1

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The Meeting

We entered the main hall just as Dave walked in with another female she smiled brightly as she seen us. She giggled as she walked towards AO and brushed her arm against his as she stood besides us. I watched for AO's reaction. Nothing. "Okay dinner is ready" The girl spoke up as we all walked towards the large double french doors, down random halls to an extremly large dinning room. The sound of people chatting filled the air as we walked towards them. Dave stood in fornt of everyone and introduce us to them. "This young man" Dave rested his hand on AO's shoulder as he spoke. "Is looking for his mate amoung our young women" He smiled as the crowd of female whispered amoung themselves and sent flirtous smiles towards AO. But AO on the other hand of being rude or shallow, instead he was soaking all the attenion up like a sponge. Soon we were seated. I was to AO's left while Clint was to his right. Girls tried to flirt with the both of them. I didn't care really until I heard Clint's raspy voice. "Sure I'll meet you in my room around 7" I felt myself getting angry. 'He's not yours' I kept repeating as I smiled at Dave who wa talking about a hunting trip he had. I laughed at the well what was suppose to be funny parts of his tale. "Oh Dave your so strong! I would have been so scared!" I pretented to shiver as I moved closer to him. Dave smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

The food was okay for th most part. I have to admit a problem with food being cooked in fornt of me.

Semi Flash Back ...

Everyone was laughing and joking around. I was really enjoying the nightlife for a moment until I heard something that sounded like a pig and a chicken. I turned my head slightly to see a Chicken in a cage and a Pig being pulled in by a string around his neck. Dave stood up and shouted over everyone in his big boooming alpha voice. "EVERYONE! I'm proud to say we're having dinner lively cook tonight! Pig roasted over pinapples and open flame and Chicken..." His voice was trailing off inside my head as I watched the two men walk onto the stage set up in fornt of us. I glupped as I watched the Pig's small round black eyes stare at me pledding for my help as it squiled. The pig was no bigger than fully grown pitbull in fact is was smaller than that! The pig was cute and reminded me of a cow in a way with it's pure white skin and black spots. A man to my left came welding a large knife and walked towards the chicken who was chuclking for it's life. I looked over to AO who was to engross with the female company as well as Clint. Dave said 'Enjoy' as he sat down, I gripped his arm as the man holding the cage let the door ajar for the animal killer to reach his hand in and grab the chicken by it's throat.

I was getting nervous as he held out the chicken for everyone to see and with one clean strave of his knife the clucking stopped altogether. The chicken's body moved around stage for a moment headless until it feel still. My stomach churnged as he moved towards the pig who was backing up looking around scared. I felt it's pain and before I knew it I was jummping onto the table and dived towards the pig. Cuddling it I felt tears threating to fall as everyone me save a pig from death.

"Nala?" Dave spoke up as he walked towards the stage. "I'm so sorry I can't let you kill him, he did nothing wrong to you!" I shouted as I burried my face into it's neck. "We as wolves hunt the lower rank" Dave tried to convice me to let the pig go. "NO! I refuse to let you! Forgive me but I'm against this kind of killing" I shouted, I heard chairs move around me. I looked up to see AO walked towards Dave. "Nala's a real caring person. She doesn't go around jummping off tables to save any pig. Please let her keep it or just don't kill it." AO voice was soft and understanding as he looked at me and I nodded my head. Dave sighed but smiled never the less. "I see. She's really is one with nature!" He laughed as well as the rest of his clan.

I sat down with the Pig besides me away from any knifes or sharp objetives. "Your a pieice of work aren't you" Dave chuckled as he watched me give the pig my scrape from my plate. "No just different" I smiled as I rubbed the pig's chin. "So what are you going to name it?" He's words caught me off gaurd. "I have no idea." I chuckled as the pig snorted "I like Bacon" Clint's voice spoke out of the blue, the pig scurried behind me. "Don't be so mean to Melvin!" I throw a bread roll at him a she laughed. "Melvin?" He asked laughing again. Melvin the pig peaked from under the table and sniffled my hand. "Yes Melvin" I kissed his snout.

*Flash Back Over...*

SO I saved a pig which makes me some kind of hero in the piggy world. I walked down the hall with Melvin some people stared at us oddly other chuckled. I didn't care this was my piggy and I loved him. Mel ran towards my room as I carried all of his new stuff. Pig are very needy animals! I unlocked the door and chuckled as I set all of his new toys and clothes on the bed. Mel was glancing around the room looking at his new home. After settling him in I moved carefully towards him with rubber gloves and towel. "Mel...come here piggie" I calmly spoke to him as I grab him from behind and hurried towards the bathroom which the warm buttermilk bath awaited him.

He squilled like crazy and kicked all of the milk out of the bath. I had to get in the bath to get him clean. I cleaned his ears and his belly he wouldn't let me clean his gums! I huffed as Mel splashed me making my once neat striaght hair get curlly and wet. "Come here!" I shouted as I tackled the pig trying to clean him. It was the most horrible thing I ever done! We fought for hours trying to get him clean. Just then Clint and Ao stepped inside of my large messy bathroom in shock. Clint bust out laughing while AO took pictures of me and Mel. My hair was messy and dripping while Mel had a bar of soap in his mouth. I had to admit it was funny, well until Mel grabbed AO's wrist and pulling him in and on pure reflex AO grabbed Clint who fell in. I laughed and then all laughed as we sat in the bath with Mel. I love this piggy!

~~!! Hey Hey!!! This chapter is semi Important in a way but then again I needed a fun chapter for this story before thing get serious! So what do you thing? Mel is sooo darn cute Picture of him on the side -----------------> 



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Stay Tuneeee!!

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