He dropped in and Now We're running (Again)

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Nala's P.O.V

I walked around aimlessly for some reason. AO went to find

Clint hours ago. Chem had to go back to his now Omega duties. (N/A Omega is alpha to be, just a heads up) So I was alone, with Mel of course. "Sir" I heard someone say as a loud growl filled the halls. "Tell me again Chem how this happen!?" The voice was hard and gave off an evil feeling. "I hunted her down and now she's here" Chem said like he didn't care almost. I wonder who their talking about. I step closer, Mel moved closer aswell. "And?!" The voice sneered a bit as the sound of metal being bent or broken filled my ears. "She's my mate. I can't kill her" Chem sneered right back as his voice showed he wasn't scared. I knelt down to listen closer. "I don't care if she's my mate! I want her dead! I don't need the thought of her being hovering over my head!" The voice yelled. Slowly it became more and more familiar. 

Who was this man? And why would he want me dead? "I can't" Chem whispered, I knew his head was down now. His pride was draning but he wasn't letting this man know. "SHE'S APART OF THE SNOW PACK! THEIR WIPED OUT!" He yelled, the sound of things crashing against the wall. "I don't care! She's my mate I refuse to kill her!" Chem shouted right back. I didn't realize that Mel ran into the room yelping. I covered my mouth as I went to get him. I glanced around the room. There were two fingures by the fire, the room was dark only the fire place lite up the room in a eerly way. Chem had his arms folded across his chest glaring at the man sitting in the chair. His back was to me. I  looked around for Mel, he ran towards Chem. 'No' I mouth as I ran after him. Chem picked up Mel with a confused look on his face until he seen me.

"What the?-" A taller man stood glaring at Mel who was trying to 'protect' Chem. The man looked almost like Chem, dark hair dark eyes 5:00 shadow.  He narrowed his eyes at me, pure hate filled his eyes shortly after. "Vanni" He spoke the familiar name, it sent chills down my spin. "Nala" Chem's voice filled my ears as I backed into his chest. "Run" He whispered as his father let out a deep growl, the sound of snapping bones filled my ears. I nodded and took off just as his father lunged at me. Thank god I ducked! His father's wolf was huge!! His eyes were bloodshot red, his fur was a shimmering dark grey. He looked mad and hungry. 

I ran into the halls ducking as I heard him lunge towards me again, pounching off the wall he was dead set on my trail. I'm beyond happy that I had sneakers on!!!! I heard Chem from the other side of me, his black acid fur came into my blind sight. He nudged me with his wolf head to get on him. Quickly I hopped on his back and he bust through the wooden doors. "Wait Mel!" I turned to see the little piggy running towards me. CHem huffed and stop for 5 seconds, then took off again. I grabbed Mel and we were off into the woods. AO and Clint we're yelling at each other about something but we didn't have time. "Shut the hell up and let's go!" I yelled causing them to all to shut up. "Shift and get a move on" I felt myself shutter as the wind dropped a message in my ear. 

"I'm coming for you Snow Princess...just you wait. I'll always come for you Vanni" 

~~!! Short chappie! I'm getting to the plot, remember in the begining when I said that Nala was found on the side of the road covered in blood. Well now you know what pack she was apart of and 'who' killed them alll.....~~!!

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